What's on in Grade 1/2

Our Garden Sessions have been a fantastic blend of learning and adventure, despite Melbourne's unpredictable weather! While we've had to adapt to some indoor sessions due to the blazing heat and rain, that hasn’t stopped us from diving into the fascinating world of growing our own delicious produce. In fact, some lucky students even got to enjoy the fruits of our labor—devouring a giant cucumber grown right in our own garden!

Once the heat wave passed, our Grade 2 students were back outside, rolling up their sleeves to weed, collect nutrient-rich soil from the compost, and water our thirsty plants. The garden continues to thrive, and we are so excited to watch it grow as we learn about the processes behind cultivating healthy, fresh food. What an enriching experience it’s been so far!

We are on the lookout for family members who would be interested in volunteering during our garden sessions Here’s the sign up link. (You will need a current WWC Check). 



This term, students will explore the culture and history of First Nations Peoples as part of our Integrated Studies unit. We started by learning about the significance of Country, deepening our understanding of the strong connection between First Nations Peoples and the land.

One highlight has been writing inspired by the treasures from Country, sparking thoughtful discussions and creativity.

This unit has given students a valuable opportunity to connect with and respect the ongoing culture and history of First Nations Peoples, and we look forward to continuing this learning journey.


In our recent numeracy sessions, our 1/2 students have been busy diving into the exciting world of number patterns and building their number knowledge! We've been exploring the idea that "Everyone can learn mathematics to the highest levels," and each day we've embraced the power of connection and communication in our numeracy work. Through group and independent tasks, we've learned that depth is more important than speed and that making mistakes is an invaluable part of the learning process.

Our focus has been on fostering creativity and helping students make sense of numbers, all while encouraging curiosity and the importance of asking questions. The classroom has been full of energy as we’ve played engaging games, worked together, and deepened our understanding of key mathematical concepts. What a fun and productive way to learn!