From our Principal

St Roch’s School theme 2025:

Our school theme was collaborated on by staff based on the many opportunities that the year 2025 will bring to St Roch’s. This theme encourages us to think about the future in a positive way, to explore what is possible, what could be done. Hope inspires us to move forward. Our Faith gives us the direction to know where to move. We are on a journeyand it is our hope that drives us.

'Through our faith, this theme asks us to reflect on ‘how we can inspire hope at school, in our families and in our community?’.

Dear Families,


Welcome to our first issue of our iNewsletter! We hope this newsletter continues to keep you up to date with all the news, events and learning that happens at St Roch's.


It was lovely to see so many Year 3 Families at the Reconcilation Committment Mass last night. Thank you to all who attended this Mass, to Louise, Emma, Kate & Nadine and to Father Tom. Thank you also to Charlotte Mulder & Lucinda Watford and their team for the delicious supper, and those who supported the setting up and packing up.


We look forward to seeing many of you at our first assembly this Friday, particularly as it is the first time for our Year 6 Leaders to lead such an event!


Our Working Bees are a great way for our community to come together. Please come along to this Sunday's Year 3 & 4 Working Bee from 11.00am until 1.00pm led by our Working Bee Co-ordinator James Bawden. A highlight is the sausage sizzle at the end of the Working Bee organised by the Year 3 & 4 Class Representatives, Charlotte Mulder, Lucinda Watford, Nat Sadler & Jacci Bristow!! 

Term 1 Assemblies (Led by Year 6 Leaders)

Friday, 21 February 2025 2.40pm

Friday, 28 March 2.40pm

Year 5 showcasing their learning.


Assemblies are a wonderful way to see how capable your children are at public speaking and presenting. We are proud of our Leadership and Student Representative Council Programs. Please join us for the following assemblies this term in the St Roch’s Hall.

Parent Learning Conversations

Tuesday, 25 February 2025 1.30pm-6.30pm


Our Parent Learning Conversations will take place on Tuesday 25 February from 1.30pm-6.30pm. Students will be dismissed at 1.00pm on this day. Please book into these sessions when they are advertised on Wednesday 19 February as an opportunity to meet your child’s/childrens' teacher/s. Building relationships is an important part of the partnership we actively promote between school and home.

Open Tours

It was wonderful to see so many prospective and current parents attend our Open Morning last Thursday. Our Year 6 School Captains and Vice Captains were an absolute delight. Ethan, Kora, William and Grace showcased our school in the most responsible and informative way. Parents commented on their ability to share our amazing school.


Next Tour dates:

Tuesday, 25 February 2025 7pm

Wednesday, 19 March 2025 9.15am

Wednesday, 30 April 2025 12pm

Friday, 23 May 2025 9.15am


Showcasing our school is a wonderful way to share what happens at our school. Our student led tours are excellent. We always love having current parents at our Open Tours. Please let us know if you are interested in supporting these tours.

Parent Session: Managing Big Feelings

Thursday 6 March at 7.30pm

We invite parents to an evening with Carley McGauran at St Roch’s in the St Roch’s Hall on Thursday 6 March at 7.30pm.

Carley’s presentation will focus on “Managing Big Feelings”, especially important at the beginning of a school year.

National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

Wednesday, 12 March – Monday, 24 March 2025


Please note that NAPLAN Opens on 12 March 2025 and closes on 24 March for our Year 3 and Year 5 students.

Swimming Program Term 1

Our Swimming Program for Years 1 to 5 commences on 24 March and continues on 25, 26, 27, 31 March and 1, 2 and 3 April this term. Such an important component of Physical Education and Health coordinated by Marjie King. More information will follow.


We look forward to continuing to foster a culture of collaboration, inclusivity, and respect within our school community.  We believe in the power of teamwork and the significance of a strong partnership between home and school.  I encourage you to actively engage in your child’s education, maintain open lines of communication, and participate in school activities and events whenever possible.  Together, in partnership,we can provide the support and guidance our students need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. 


Additionally, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated staff members should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.  We value your feedback and are committed to continuous improvement.  


Wishing you all a wonderful week.


Warmest regards,

Angie Mastoras 



St Roch’s Parish Primary School

Glenvale Road, Glen Iris 3146

Telephone: 9885 7704

