Sport News

Sport Dates for 2025

Diocesan Swimming Carnival:  Friday 28th February, 2025

School Cross Country:  Friday 21st March, 2025

Diocesan Cross Country:  Friday 4th April, 2025

(Tentatively booked) Trial Athletics Carnival:  Friday 13th June, 2025

(Tentatively booked) School Athletics Carnival: Thursday 26th June, 2025

Diocesan Athletics Carnival: Thursday 7th August, 2025


St Edward’s Swimming Carnival

The St Edward's 2025 Swimming Carnival held on Monday at Scully Pool was a fantastic day with lovely mild weather! We were so impressed with the participation of all students, many taking part in races for the first time. The cheering and leadership from our House Captains were awesome, helping everyone feel supported and encouraged. We're also proud to announce that 16 students qualified for the Diocesan Carnival, which will be held in Gunnedah on Friday 28th February. A big thank you to the parents who helped with timing the races and to all the staff who helped out immensely during the day. 


St Edward’s Age Champions and Runners-up  

8/9 Year Boys

Champion: Oliver O’Leary

Runner-up: Cooper Self



10 Year Boys

Champion: Ted White

Runner-up: Aiden Steel & Garrett Arnold


11 Year Boys

Champion: Flynn Barrett

Runner-up: Andreas Androutsos 


12/13 Year Boys

Champion: Spencer Madgwick

Runner-up: Brody Robertson & Isaac Heywood

8/9 Year Girls

Champion: Kiana Tongs

Runner-up: Layla Hopson 


10 Year Girls

Champion: Lily Aworth

Runner-up: Eliza Hynes & Layla Michell 


11 Year Girls

Champion: Madeline Noad

Runner-up: Pippah Caulfield 


12/13 Year Girls

Champion: Charlotte Steel

Runner-up: Sunny Jackson


Spirit of St Edward’s:

Arlo Bullock

Abigail Kharma 

House Champions: MacKillop 

Expression of Interest 

Attached is an Expression of Interest form for Golf, AFL, Rugby 7's (girls only) and Diving. If your child competitively competes in one of these sports and is in Year 5 or Year 6, please fill out the EOI-


Expression of interest (Golf, Rugby 7's Softball, AFL & Diving)


Aussie Hoops (Infants Basketball)

Aussie Hoops 2025 Term 1 - Registrations are NOW OPEN

8-week program starts Tuesday 18th February – finishes Tuesday 8th April

Players may register in both Programs - Active Kids Vouchers can be used. 


“Aussie Hoops Rookies” 5 – 9 years


Skills-based program for beginners & intermediate groups COST: $70 for returning participant or $130 for new participant with Starter pack:  which includes backpack, ball & personalised singlet.


“Aussie Hoops Miniball”


Game-based program for U/8’s/10’s players progressing from Rookies

Games played on a full court with lowered rings

COST: $90 for returning participant or $150 for new participant with Starter pack: which includes backpack, ball & personalised singlet.


To HERE to register

Basketball  (Primary).

Please find lists for the St Edward’s basketball teams for the Tamworth Basketball Association in 2025 Primary School Comp One. The draw will be released closer to the starting date of 27th February.


Any new player can purchase their St Edward’s Basketball uniform from our School Canteen (via the Compass App).


We are also still looking for a couple of additional players for a Year 5/6 girls team. If you’d like to sign up, please contact the email below. 


If you have any queries, or would like to coach a team without a coach listed, please contact 


St Ed's Leopards 3/4 BSt Ed’s Tigers 3/4 CSt Ed's Hawks 3/4 C
Coach: Josh Steel Coach: Amy Gambrill, Adam Vine, Mel VineCoach: TBD
Training - Tuesdays - 4:00-5:00pmTraining - Fridays - 3:30-4:30pm 
Zayne Wall (4)Xavier Vine (3)Gabriel Begg (4)
Wyatt Jackson (4)Finley Bark (3)Dominic Pack (4)
Oliver Chaplin (4)Cooper Self (3)Munopaishe Tendere (4)
Nash Lamb (4)Quinn Langford (3)Hudson Swan (3)
Matthew Press (4)Noah Langford (3)Johnny Hooper (3)
Aiden Steel (4)Quinn Madgwick (3)Connor Jones (3)
Edward Duffy (4)Levi Propsting (3)Tyler Manalastas (3)
Nate Coombes (4)Max Heywood (3)Rocco McCulloch (3)
Madden Hayes (4)Huxley Sinclair (3)Oliver McDonald (3)
  Ryder Bailey (3)
St Ed's Opals 5/6 ASt Ed's Wild Cats 5/6 BSt Ed's Hurricanes 5/6 B
Coach: Emma NoadCoach: TBDCoach: Julian Wood (Term 1)
  Training - Mondays 3:00-3:30pm
Madeline Noad (6)Lilly Aworth (4)Isaac Heywood (6)
Makenzie Smith (6)Penny Damon (4)Harley Jones (6)
Margaux Morado (6)Merin Thomas (5)Spencer Madgwick (6)
Emma McMahon (6)Irene Thomas (3)Brody Robertson (6)
Ivy Allen (6)Indiana Miller (6)Jimmy Press
Charlotte Steel (6)Abby Tickle (6)Coen Schroeder (6)
Sunny Jackson (6)Ella Wall (6)Noah Swan (6)
Evie Judge (6) Karon Sinhmar (5)
  Beau Peisley (6)
  Rhakie Baldoza Jr (5)

Touch Championships, Coffs Harbour

On Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February Aria Sutherland, Eadie Hardaker, Harlow Ford, Ted White, James Hooper, Mackenzie Stevenson and Annalise Boreham, Zac & Cody Cooper,  represented the Tamworth Titans in the Northern Eagles Touch Championships in Coffs Harbour.


The Under 10 girls, Aria and Eadie, progressed through to the Grand Final and won 1-0 against Taree.  Aria scored the winning try. 


All children played exceptionally well and represented Tamworth with pride. 

All players will head to Dubbo for the Junior State Cup in a couple of weeks. 


St Edward’s Netball Registrations are now OPEN.


Please note there are two different links depending on the age of your child


For all children wishing to play netball, who are turning 5,6,7,8,9,10 in 2025 use this link:


For all children wishing to play netball, who are turning 11 and 12 (or 10 years playing in the 11/12 comp/ Year 5 but are only turning 10) in 2025 use this link:


All new netball uniforms can be found on the Compass app in the Canteen Uniform menu. We will have uniforms available at the first Friday afternoon training session to look at and purchase. 


Training is decided by individual coaches. Training is at St Edward’s Primary School straight after school and Infants’ children can catch the bus. Games will start in early May. 


Registrations will close on Friday 28th February.


All games are played inside, or on the outside courts at the Tamworth Sports Dome. 

Games for children aged 10 and under are usually played at 12pm.*

Games for children aged 11 and over are usually at 1pm.*


*times are subject to change. Draws will be available on the Tamworth Netball Association Facebook page or on the NetballHQ app. 

Touch Football

Football (Soccer)





Physical Culture

MCC Netball

See attached information


St Edward's Representative Shirts

Please keep a lookout for these in your cupboards, school bags, dirty clothes baskets, even under beds. We are still missing a considerable amount of shirts which will be required to be handed back in this term.


Woolworths Cricket Blast: (Kinder, 1, 2 & 3)

link to register:


Please use the link below to Register for Our St Edward's team (3-6)

St Edwards:





Sport Stories

We would love to share information about your child’s special achievements across all sporting areas, please email detailed information and a photograph if available to

Armidale Diocesan Primary Sports Council

The Armidale Diocesan Primary Sports Council is a body representative of the Catholic Education Office, Principals and Sports Coordinators from all Diocesan Primary Schools. The ADPSC offers a pathway for Armidale Diocesan students in most sports. If you would like to be kept up to date with all the Diocesan sport news, cancellations and updated last minute information, please like the ADPSC page on Facebook.