School News
Upcoming Dates, RE News, Library News & Important Updates
School News
Upcoming Dates, RE News, Library News & Important Updates
Please click here to access our school calendar to view all important upcoming dates. St Edward's Parent Calendar can also be accessed via your Compass Portal.
Please make sure to like us on Facebook and tell your family and friends about our page! We are also on Instagram. Follow our page to keep in touch with the fantastic things that happen at St Edward's Primary School.
Life Ed is a 60-90 minute interactive lesson delivered by a specialist educator. The face to face lesson is also accompanied by a range of pre and post visit lessons to help extend and reinforce the learning. The face to face lessons will be delivered in a mobile learning centre. Life Education follow Covid safe practices and all Life Ed employees are required to have a Working With Children Check.
The lessons cover a range of topics across the three core areas of physical health, safety and social and emotional wellbeing. The lessons are developed to be specifically unique, memorable and interactive experiences.
Parents/carers can purchase Healthy Harold merchandise for their children through the online store. Simple select 'Parent/carer ordering for child', choose your desired items, add them to your cart, and complete the checkout process. Online orders close one day before your school visit starts. All items will be delivered by the Life Ed educator during your school's Healthy Harold visit. For more information to share with families, click here.
Enrolment: Thank you to the candidates and parents who were able to make it to the enrolment and information night last night. For those who were not able to attend, Father Roel has asked that you attend the Family Mass on Sunday 23rd February to enrol. Please have your name marked off by a teacher in the foyer.
Tuesday 18th March: Sacrament of Reconciliation 4.00pm, Mary Help of Christians Church. Please consent and pay via Compass by Tuesday 4th March.
Important: Please consent or decline this event on Compass so we can finalise numbers.
Our Opening School Mass and Captain's Induction will be held tomorrow, Friday 14th February at 10.00am. At this Mass, our 2025 school leaders (Captains and House Captains) will be presented with their badges. Parents of the leaders are invited to attend. Years 1 - 6 will be present to witness this special occasion.
A Compass notification regarding bus travel has been sent to all Infants' parents. Please consent on Compass before the end of today (Thursday 13th Feb).
Please join us on Sunday 23rd February at 9.00am for our Family Mass. Students are involved in the Mass through reading and the offertory. All families are invited to attend to celebrate Mass as a Parish Community. Students from Kinder, Year 3 and Year 6 are asked to bring morning tea to share.
(Students who have not enrolled for the Sacrament of Confession will also need to attend).
“Would you, or someone you know like to learn more about our Catholic faith and its traditions? We are inviting those who would like to become a member of our faith community, or just learn or understand more about our faith, to join our RCIA Group that will meet each Monday at 5.00pm over comings weeks. Please indicate your interest by emailing or with your name and contact number so that we may contact you with further details.”
Cycle A - ODD weeks
Monday: 3P, 3M and 3E
Tuesday: 4E
Wednesday: 4M and 4B
Thursday: 2I, 2M, 2H. Year 1 students who bring their bags can swap their books.
Friday: All Kindergarten - every week.
Cycle B - EVEN weeks
Monday: 5Q, 5H and 5M
Wednesday: 6C, 6M and 6O
Thursday: 1M, 1B, and 1W. Year 2 students who bring their bag can swap their books.
Friday: All Kindergarten - every week
The clubs include:
Early Bird Reading Club: from 8.30am every day when each campus is open.
Monday: Lego Club - Primary
Tuesday: Games Club - Primary
Wednesday: Lego Club or Craft Club - Primary
Thursday: Lego Club - Infants
Friday: Games and Lego Club - Infants
Encourage your child to be a part of our busy, happy, vibrant library community by occasionally joining in with any or all of these activities.
See you in the Library!
We encourage students to continue reading during the school holidays. St Edward's students have access to SORA, an online library offering a wide range of eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines. To log in from home, students will need their school email address and password, which can be obtained from their teacher. Below are instructions for logging into SORA.
If you experience any issues, please contact via email.
Today parents face a multitude of modern day challenges in raising happy, well and resilient young people. Whilst there is a great deal of information available, this can often be confusing and overwhelming for parents looking for guidance.
SchoolTV addresses this as an online resource designed to empower you as parents with credible and sound information with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies.
Check out the resources on our school website