Principal's Report
By Michael Mottershead
Principal's Report
By Michael Mottershead
Welcome back after the long weekend break. I hope you and your family were able to spend some quality time together. As we start building towards the busy end of the year (already!) I’d like to thank all the wonderful people within our Albany Rise community for the incredible work they do – much of it ‘behind the scenes’. We have the Fun Fiesta coming up, led by a dedicated team of parents and staff; the Year 6 Graduation, Market Day, Community Carols, Fly into Foundation Transition Program, Whole School Swimming Program, Yr.5/6 Excursion to the Queen Vic. Market, Semester 2 School Reports and many others. These events and activities make not only our student’s lives more enriching, but also enhance a sense of community and school pride.
Fun Fiesta – FRIDAY 22nd NOVEMBER - Now just 2 WEEKS AWAY!
Our Fun Fiesta is now just 2 weeks away and we are still seeking many volunteers to help with class stalls, ‘side show’ activities and the Parent Association BBQ. If parents in every class gave just 30 minutes of their time, then all volunteers will also have the chance to enjoy the Fiesta with their families, as well as supporting the school.
Every family that supports the school by adding their name to the volunteer list at the office will be acknowledged in the newsletter after the event. Your support is crucial to ensuring we are able to run community events such as the Fun Fiesta.
Remembrance Day Ceremony at Assembly – Friday 8th November @ 2.45pm
We will be holding our Remembrance Day Ceremony at this week’s assembly, in the hall. The assembly will be led by some of our year 4 students, as our year 5/6’s will be out on an excursion to the Queen Vic. Market.
As per our ARPS tradition, we ask that families send students with flowers or foliage to add to class wreaths, which will be presented by each class at the ceremony/assembly.
On the actual Remembrance Day, next Monday 11th November, the school captains will place the class wreaths under our school flags. We will also stop for a minute’s silents in classrooms at 11am to remember those who have served our country in war.
Thunderstorm Asthma
During the months of October to December, areas of Victoria are particularly prone to bouts of combined pollen and weather conditions that can result in 'Thunderstorm Asthma' in children and adults. On days of high risk of Thunderstorm Asthma at school, staff carefully consider conditions and may have some outdoor activities relocated indoors (such as PE) to limit the potential impact of conditions that could result in a student having Thunderstorm Asthma.
Families can monitor the potential for Thunderstorm Asthma through various websites and apps, including the following: students prone to asthma, hay fever, or who take regular preventative medication, families are encouraged to monitor these sites (as does the school), and ensure children have their medication (named) at the school office, in case it is needed.More information about Thunderstorm Asthma can also be found here:
Working Bee: SUNDAY 24th NOVEMBER, 9-12pm
To assist with the correct sorting and storing of items post Fun Fiesta, we will be dedicating our final working bee of the year to this important task.
Please lock Sunday 24th November, 9-12pm, into your calendar!
Attending working bees are one of the many opportunities we offer to connect with others in our community. Did you know… Volunteering can be very meaningful and enjoyable, and in turn may be good for your mental health and wellbeing.
Volunteering can:
A FREE BBQ will be provided for those families who attend. A separate notice (and Dojo message) will be sent to all families soon requesting intention to attend. Please complete this and send back to school to assist us with planning.
Community Christmas Carols/Concert – Wednesday 4th December
Please put this date into your calendar for our annual Community Christmas Carols/Concert. We are excited to bring our community together for this wonderful event. Our music teacher, Mr Daniel Redfearn, as well as classroom teachers, will shortly begin rehearsing songs to be led and performed by our students.
We’d love to see extended family and friends attend. We even put out a special invitation to our new Foundation families in 2025! More information about this afternoon/evening will be shared in coming weeks.
Michael Mottershead
Acting Principal