Principal Report

Mr. Lehane

Graduation and End of Year Celebration

This year our Graduation Ceremony and end of the year celebration will be held on Wednesday 4th December at the Bridgewater on Loddon Memorial Hall. 


this is an important night for our two Grade 6 students Bruce and Angus who are looking forward to sharing this occasion with the school community, family and friends. 


A flyer with the details of this event will be sent home so please keep an eye out for this. 


We will also be asking families to bring a plate of food to share. 


This is an important event and I would love if we could have as many people there as possible to support our outgoing students an families. 


River Swimming Program: Building Water Confidence in the Loddon River

We're thrilled to bring back our River Swimming Program this year! This program helps students build confidence and essential swimming skills in our local Loddon River, supervised by qualified instructors and school staff.

Students will swim at the Bridgewater Swimming Hole, a short walk from school. Wetsuits and life jackets are provided, though students are encouraged to bring their own to ensure the best fit possible.  


Dates: Monday–Thursday over two weeks:

  • Week 1: 25th–28th November
  • Week 2: 2nd–5th December

Families are welcome to come down to watch!


 For full details, please refer to the permission slip on uEducateUs.



Thank you to Amanda and Dallas for their generous donation of construction toys which our students love playing with each morning and during activity time. 


Thank You for Making Our Open Day & Community BBQ a Success!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us for our Open Day and Community BBQ! It was fantastic to see so many families and community members come together to celebrate our school and community.


A special thank you goes to all the staff, volunteers, and community partners who worked behind the scenes to make this event possible. Your support, dedication, and enthusiasm helped create a welcoming and joyful atmosphere for all.

Thank you also to everyone who attended. Your presence and engagement remind us of the incredible community we have. We look forward to seeing you at future events and continuing to build these connections.


Our Open Day/Community BBQ is next Friday night (8th November). We look forward to seeing as many of our families as possible and also welcoming in people from the community.


Foundation Transition

Our transition program for 2025 Foundation students continues each Friday in November with current students loving having Bert and Patrick join us. 


Our final two Friday transition sessions will run from 9.00am -11.45am on Friday 22nd and 29th November. 


The conclusion to our Transition Program will be on the Statewide Transition Day on December 10th. 


Zooper Doopers 

Junior School Council will be selling Zooper Doopers for 50c at lunch times starting from next week. 

MARC Van Update