French News

Bonjour tout le monde! (Hello everyone!)
Comment ca va? (How are you?)
Here’s a summary of our learning over the past fortnight.
Grade Prep have been learning to name fruit and express their opinion about food. J’aime les fraises. (I like strawberries.) Je n’aime pas le broccoli). (I don’t like broccoli.)
Grade 1 revised the numbers from 0-30. The children enjoyed practising their French numbers by playing games on ‘Wordwall’, an interactive website with lots of fun activities and games. If you would like to help your child with their learning here are a few links to get you started. They also learnt how to introduce members of their family. train numbers game 1-30 Numbers quiz 1-30
Grade 2 drew a map of the suburb where they live and labelled the places in their neighbourhood in French. They have also been focusing on numbers and have learnt to write the names of the numbers in French from zero – trente (0-30).
Grade 3 have been practising their written and oral French skills by asking and answering questions in French. They have learnt how to conjugate the verb when asking a question. They had fun designing, then conducting a survey for their classmates. They also wrote a personal profile in French containing information about themselves and their interests.
Grade 4 designed a poster about the weather and appropriate clothing to wear in that weather. They too have been working on their personal profile.
The senior school (Grades 5 and 6) have also been writing their personal profile (Tout sur moi, All about me). This is an opportunity for the children to use the vocabulary and phrases they have learnt throughout the year in a personal and relevant way.
Here are some of our senior students with their Personal Profiles.
You can see that everyone has a slightly different but creative approach the task.
Au revior! (Goodbye)
A bientot! (I’ll see you soon!)