Physical Education News

Dear Parents and Families,
The students have been working really hard on all of their movements and skills as they begin to finish their years of PE and start to think about what they are going to be doing next year. We look forward to the next few weeks as we know the students are going to be showing off everything that they have learnt.
Team Vic Superstars
We are very excited to wish Viyona from Grade 4 and Sierra from Grade 5 all the best as they travel to Sydney this week to represent Team Vic in the Schools national competition in Sydney. Viyona is competing in High Jump while Sierra is competing in Shot Put and Discus where she has already had great success. Tarneit Rise is behind you both and cant wait to hear how you go!
Prep and Grade 1
The Preps and Grade 1s have been working very hard on their single handed strikes over the last two weeks. They have been using their skateboard stance, elephant trunk and making sure that they keep their eyes on the ball to make sure that they are completing a successful strike.
Grade 2
The Grade 2s have -finished their two handed strike unit where we finished on a cricket strike off a tee. The students were able to hit towards targets with proper technique and ensure that they followed through with a double V. They have now moved onto Locomotor and multiskill games. This week we focused on Zonal Octopus. The students focused on finding a clear path through the taggers to get to the other side as well as making sure that they were aware of their surroundings.
Grade 3 and Grade 4
The grade 3s and 4s have continued with their net and wall units with both year levels moving onto racquet sports. The grade 3s have started Badminton and are making great progress. We have had a very strong start with serving and are building up to rallys. The grade 4s have started tennis and are starting to have rallies and begin to play for the winning point. Both year levels have been comparing how their net and wall games are similar to downball the first net and wall game we played.
Grade 5 and 6
The grade 5s and grade 6s have also continued on with net and wall games with the grade 5s transitioing into tennis and the grade 6s moving into Volleyball. The 5s have been focusing on their forehand and backhand shots as well as their shot selection depending on the location of the court that the shot needs to be made. The grade 6s have been working on shot selection and deciding if a dig, set or spike is needed in order to keep the game going and give their team a chance at winning the point.
Term 1 2025
Hi Everyone,
NAB AFL Auskick is coming to Tarneit Rise Primary School in Term 1!
NAB AFL Auskick is an introductory program to Australian Rules Football, teaching skills through fun activities and mini games!
$55 for 5 weeks ($11 a week)
Fridays 3.10pm – 4.10pm
February 21st – 21st March Auskick registration (ages 5-12) -
If you have any questions, please reach out to