Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families,
In week 7 the prep students created a story which was turned into a play. The teacher narrated the story for the class while students took turns acting out the story and being an awesome audience. This week students are working together to create a class song. They are using instruments, singing, props and dancing to create a music video of their song. This week they are just practising the song and next week they will film it. We can’t wait to see their amazing music videos in week 9.
In week 7 and 8 of this term Grade 1 and 2 students have been learning about shadow puppets. They have created their own shadow puppets using black card and icy pole sticks. Students also created a voice for their puppet as shadow puppets can’t change their facial expressions, so the puppeteer’s voice is critical in creating the puppet’s personality and character. In small groups students have worked together to plan a performance with their shadow puppets. Students have practised using the torch light to shine onto their shadow puppet to create the shadow for the audience to see. They have experimented with moving the puppet closer and further away from the light to change the shadow puppet’s size and visual clarity. We can’t wait to watch their amazing puppet shows in week 9.
Grade 3 and 4 students in week 7 and 8 have worked on using the character they created in improvisation games such as bus stop, space jump and yes and. They have practised staying in character using these games and making sure they use the voice, body, facial expressions and movements of their created character. Many students have excelled at using their acting techniques this term in improvisation. It has been great to see how much they have grown in their acting abilities. Keep up the great work grade 3 and 4 students.
In week 7 and 8 Grade 5 & 6 students have been working in groups to film their short films. Some grades have started editing their short films this week but due to curriculum days and public holidays most grades are finishing their filming this week. It has been amazing to see the films the students are making. All the groups have thought about the angles and shots they are using and how to use them to make the biggest impact on the audience. Students have been extremely creative in their storylines for their films. We can’t wait to watch their amazing work in weeks 9 and 10.
See you in the Performing Arts room
Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Miss V and Mrs Brant