Grade 6 Community News

Greeting Grade 6 Families,
It’s hard to believe we’re already at the end of week 8 and our Grade 6’s are approaching their last few weeks at Tarneit Rise Primary School. Where has that time gone? We have had an exciting and engaging last few weeks lined up to see out 2024.
Vision Day:
Our Grade 6’s had an amazing time at Vision Day on Tuesday and are feeling more prepared with their transition on to Secondary School as a result. There were a number of valuable workshops and learning opportunities throughout the day (as well as a bunch of fun!).
We began our day exploring a new skill or passion in our workshops; Music, Improv, Art or Gaming. It was a fantastic opportunity to try out a new hobby and meet outside facilitators who teach these skills. Our Grade 6’s came away super excited about what they learnt.
Kids Help Line hosted an online workshop focused on the transition to High School. We discussed some of the common worries students have, like making new friends and keeping on top of their school work. Students came away from the session with a number of strategies to support them next year including ways to make friends, how to organise themselves and who they can talk to if they need help.
Our scavenger hunt around TRPS was super fun and our Grade 6’s got to reminisce on the memories they have made over the past 7 years here! So many amazing memories. We all won an awesome Vision Day wristband so we can remember the day!
In the afternoon was our Vision Day Expo where our Grade 6’s and their parents explored different stalls from the community. Stall holders included our local high schools, youth services, the library and different extracurricular activity providers. Our Grade 6’s moved from stall to stall asking questions and getting more information about what each service provides. We were also WOWed by the performance from local BKODE dance crew!
In reading, our poetry unit has continued. We have analysed how poetry compares to different mediums including song lyrics. Students enthusiastically identified the differences and similarities between each medium’s features. Our Grade 6’s had a blast applying this term’s learning to write their own poetry slam or rap battle. They were able to include rhyme, rhythm, repetition and language features in their poems to engage their audience. This provided students with a fantastic opportunity to perform in front of their peers; a skill that will be invaluable at High School next year.
Grade 6 continue to pour their heart and soul into creating beautifully crafted and magnificently written scrapbooks. We’re getting very excited to share these with you in week 9!
Friendly Reminders:
School Excursion - Our Grade 6 Excursion to Adventure Park is Monday 2nd December.
Graduation Evening - Our Graduation evening is Tuesday 17th December