Grade 5 Community News

Dear Year 5 families,
The year has flown by so quickly. Reflecting over the course of the year, we can see that the students have engaged in so much learning that we are incredibly proud of. Please take some time to talk with your child about the units of work they have enjoyed the most throughout Reading and Maths, favourite pieces of writing and our specialist sessions. It is a time to reflect positively on our students' achievements as we set new, personal goals for the remainder of the year!
Our unit on Wonder is sadly coming to a close this week. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading about August and his life. It was particularly interesting to read from different characters’ points of view. This book has linked nicely with our Respectful Relationships lessons which have been encouraging us to create an inclusive environment that meets the needs of all.
We will be moving from one inspirational text to another. Over the last few weeks of this term we will be reading excerpts from ‘Break the Mould’ by Sinead Burke. Sinead is an inspirational speaker, activist and person. She has faced many challenges and found ways to overcome them. We can’t wait to learn more about her extraordinary life.
In Writing, we have been studying and exploring inspirational speeches and are almost ready to write an inspiring speech of our own. This speech will provide us with a chance to talk about what really matters to us and share our thinking with others. You can help by taking time to talk about current events, listening to and offering your opinion on topics of interest. Researching facts will also help make our speeches shine.
In Mathematics, we have completed the unit on Chance and Probability. In this unit, we explored chance outcomes, different types of probability, varying outcomes and have represented outcomes in both percentages and fractions. For example, when flipping a coin, there is a 50% chance of probability regarding either outcome. Our current unit is Angles. We have been investigating, estimating, measuring and comparing different types of angles using degrees. Students will also be creating their very own angles using protractors. This is our very last unit to cover as part of our Measurement and Geometry curriculum for the year!
In vocabulary, we learn 6 new words each week. These words will be gathered from text ‘Break the Mould’ and other topics we are currently studying. We look at the meaning of the words, synonyms and antonyms for the words, and how to use the words in sentences. When we use previous vocabulary words as synonyms and antonyms for our new words, it helps us understand the new words better.
In week 8, the Grade 5 cohort participated in the ElephantED Incursion. This Incursion was focused around the topic of puberty, discussing what this actually means, the reasoning as to why it happens and identifying trusted and safe adults in children's lives to talk to, should they have any questions. Students have built their knowledge of their support system which involves both people and resources they can go to, if and when they feel they need help. In week 9, we will be exploring the topic of preventative health in promoting and maintaining health, safety and wellbeing. We will be developing a personal health and safety plan, talking about different preventative health measures whilst explaining how these measures impact health and wellbeing.
- Nightly reading journals- how many nights of reading has your child/children completed so far this year? Please remind your child to bring in their journals on the designated days for signing by their classroom teachers.
- Sun Hats - with warmer weather it is compulsory for students to wear a school hat when outside the classroom. Please ensure your child has a hat at school as well as a suitable drink bottle.
- Step up day will take place in week 10
This is our second last newsletter for the year and PLC 5 would like to acknowledge our students and families efforts and collaboration throughout the year. We have truly had such an amazing year which would not be possible without the support of our incredible TRPS community. PLC 5 would like to say a big thank-you to all of the parents, carers and family members that we have had the pleasure of working with and knowing this year. We are so proud of our students and the growth they have made socially, emotionally and academically in 2024.
Thank-you! 🙂