Grade 4 Community News

Dear families,
We are getting closer to the end of a wonderful year, full of amazing learning. We thank you for your continued support towards the students.
In Reading, students have continued their learning about Medieval Europe and the significant people from that period. Last week, Grade 4 learnt about the significance of Magna Carta, why Joan of Arc was an important figure and the devastating effects of the Black Death. The children have really enjoyed applying the knowledge they gained from the Kryal Castle excursion to their learning in class.
In Vocabulary, we are continuing to source our words from our serial text ‘Help Around the House’ by Morris Gleitzman.
In Writing, students have been editing and publishing their historical recounts on some of the significant people from Medieval Europe, including Charlemagne, William the Conqueror and Henry II. Last week, they completed their recount by writing a conclusion paragraph which summarised the key events. To finalise, they spent time carefully publishing their work with their best handwriting or on a digital platform. They are really proud of the work they have accomplished, highlighting all the knowledge they have gained this year. In week 8 and 9, children will be exploring the language features and structures involved in poetry.
In Maths, our students have finished patterns & algebra and have moved on to learning about chance & data. They have interpreted and created different types of graphs, including bar, line and pictographs. They started by conducting a variety of probability experiments. There were lots of investigations using coins, playing cards, counters and spinners to test predictions. There had been great discussions about the probability of different daily events and the children have had a lot of fun! In the coming weeks, the children will be revising all the knowledge they have learnt in grade 4. They will be consolidating skills to ensure they are confident and ready to end grade 4 the best way they can.
Kryal Castle Excursion
In week 6, Grade 4 took a trip to Kryal Castle to explore the Medieval castle replica. On arrival, the children were fascinated by the amazing castle and were excited to share their prior knowledge with the staff. Grade 4 were fortunate enough to engage in a variety of workshops at the castle. They tried on armour, participated in a trial within a court, defended and attacked as part of a siege, completed a Medieval dance, and got lost inside a maze! It was a fantastic day for all, allowing children to truly see what a castle from the Middle Ages looked like - something they learnt about in week 6!
- In Term 4 all students must wear a TRPS hat during recess and lunch play time. If you do not have a TRPS hat, they are available to be purchased at the office.
- We encourage all families to incorporate lots of time-telling opportunities into their daily routines at home. It is an essential life-skill to read both analogue and digital clocks.
Thank you,
PLC 4 🙂