Group 3

This term, group 3 have been learning and exploring our theme ‘under the sea’. This has been the most popular theme yet. They have enjoyed learning about the sea animals and playing with them at the new under the sea area in the classroom. They have engaged with songs, activities and begun using new vocabulary. Some students even used their communication devices to identify the different animals they found here.
We incorporated our theme in our learning at group circle this term. They were working on identifying colours using a fishing activity. They listened to a colour song and fished for that colour. They worked on presenting different ideas to their peers, counting, following actions, helped with distributing/collecting props, helped with the group circle schedule, identified the day of week and the daily weather. They also worked on using a variety of greetings with teachers and peers during group circle. Everyone enjoyed pushing our “hello” button and choosing the way they wanted to say hello that day.
They all have continued to demonstrate amazing independence skills. There was an emphasis placed on sun safety and applying sunscreen themselves. It has been incredible to observe the determination of everyone as they learn this new skill.
Julie & Prabha