Principal's Report 

What an exciting few weeks we’ve had!

Our Colour Run was a huge success, bringing joy and energy to students and staff alike. The highlight? Watching Dom and Chris get slimed! A huge thank you to our PE teachers and SRC for organising such a fun-filled day, and to everyone who supported this wonderful fundraiser. We’ll share the total amount raised in our next newsletter—stay tuned!

We also celebrated a major milestone with our Primary Graduation, marking the transition of our primary students to secondary school. It was a delightful afternoon with speeches, balloons, afternoon tea, photos, and a heartfelt slideshow. We were thrilled to have families join us and to see our SRC warmly welcoming the new secondary students. Congratulations to all our graduates!

We’re also excited to welcome back Luci Balotta, one of our leading teachers, who has returned from maternity leave. 

As we move toward the end of the school year, we are busy planning goals, classes, and staffing for next year. These next few weeks will be filled with preparation and excitement as we work together to ensure a strong finish to 2024 and a great start to 2025.

Thank you all for your continued support in making our school a vibrant and welcoming community!


