Religious Education

Christ the King
It is my hope and prayer that each of you can joyfully say: “With Jesus, I too am a king”.
I too reign: as a living sign of the love of God, of his compassion and his tenderness
Pope Francis
This week our students have reflected on Christ as our king. A good king is a strong leader, who is wise. A good king feeds his people and cares for them. A good king leads his people and protects them. We have looked at scripture that teaches this to us.
The feast of Christ the King is the end of ordinary time. We get ready to prepare for Christmas.
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Donation for the lapathon can be sent into school in zip lock bags or transferred into the school bank account so that we can write St Vincent De Paul a cheque for their Christmas Hampers.
School bank account:
BSB 083 347
Account 98488 4821: reference Lapathon
Your support is very much appreciated.
Rikki Winduss
Religious Education Leader