From the Principal

Good morning everyone, I hope you have had a good week.
Today we say goodbye to our 2025 Year 11 and 12 students. Have a great break and we will see you in the new year, 30th January.
A reminder PSW uniform supplier will be moving to 61 Watt Road from 2nd January, 2025. The new additions to the uniform are stretch microfibre shorts and stretch microfibre pants for girls.
Planning is well underway for our Annual Awards night, 16th December, Baptist Church, Craigie Road. Invitations have been sent via email to families and will continue to be sent once reports have been completed. The Awards night is always a beautiful night where we recognise the hard work and achievement of our students from Yr 7-11. We will also announce the DUX of Mornington Secondary College. I am very excited to find out who this will be once the Yr 12 results are published. Chris Crewther MP – Member for Mornington will be our guest speaker this year.
This week, we were hosts to more than 80 Japanese students from Nara, Japan. They spent their time in class, with a buddy from Yr 8-11 Japanese classes and experienced an Aussie morning tea and lunch. A great time was had by all. Thankyou to the Japanese teachers for organising this, Mel Brindle, Simone Kugimiya and Kirsty Hamson.
Thankyou for your continued support.
Linda Stanton
Important Dates
Term 4
Dec - Friday 6th Fast Forward program finishes
Year 11 and 12 2025 students final day
Dec - Tuesday 10th Year 7 2025 Orientation Day
Dec - Monday 16th Presentation Evening - New Peninsula Baptist Church - 6.30pm
Dec - Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th Dec - End of year activity program
Dec - Friday 20th December - Last day of Term 4
Term 1 2025
Jan - Thursday 30th Students return
Feb - Thursday 6th Whole School Swimming Carnival
Feb - Monday 10th School Photos
Feb -Monday 17th Morrisby Profiling - Year 9
Feb - Thursday 20th Catch up Photo Day
Feb - Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th Year 12 Retreat - Golden Valley Flinders
Feb - Thursday 27th Year 7 Disco 5:00pm to 6:45pm
Mar -Monday 3rd to Friday 7th Year 8 Camp - Phillip Island
Mar - Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th Year 11 Outdoor Education Camp - Wilsons Prom
Mar - Monday 10th Labour Day Public Holiday
Mar - Tuesday 11th Whole School House Athletics Carnival
Mar - Wednesday 12th to 24th Naplan
Mar - Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st Year 12 Murray River Paddle Camp
Mar - Tuesday 25th College Open Night
Mar - Monday 31st to Wednesday 2nd April Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways
Apr - Thursday 3rd Parent Teacher Interviews
Apr - Friday 4th End of Term 1 - 2:30pm finish
Apr - Tuesday 22nd Term 2 commences
Apr - Thursday 24th College Anzac Day Service 10:15am
Apr - Friday 25th Anzac Day Public Holiday
Apr - Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways
Middle School
Dear Parents and Carers,
Today, I had the pleasure of meeting the Japanese students visiting from Nara, Japan. We welcomed 44 senior students who spent the day with us. It has been wonderful to see our Japanese language students actively engaging with them, whether by leading school tours, participating in calligraphy activities, or enjoying Japanese performances. Watching and listening to the interactions has been truly delightful.
While out on duty, I had the chance to chat with students who have chosen photography as an elective. It’s incredible to see their creativity come alive when they have a camera in hand, capturing the world through their unique perspectives. Mrs. Neal has been doing a great job overseeing and supporting their creative expression.
Orientation Day
We are putting the final touches on preparations for our Orientation Day, as we get ready to welcome our new Year 7 students for 2025. We’ve designed a comprehensive schedule to ensure the students feel welcomed, make new friends, and begin their secondary school journey with confidence. Orientation Day will provide your child with a taste of secondary college and help them prepare for the start of school 30 January 2025. We are very excited about meeting our newest cohort and starting this journey together.
Wishing you a great week.
Denise Leggett
Assistant Principal
Senior School
To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,
Well that’s it for the year for our 2024 Senior School students. The end of Fast Forward classes on Friday mean that our 2025 year 11s and 12s have finished for 2024 (other than those with a late approved subject change who need to come in to get up to date heading into the holidays), while our future year 10s have just a few more days to go.
It will then be time for a hard-earned break over December and January for our students before they come back to school on Thursday 30th January, 2025. Our year 11 and 12 VCE ATAR students will have holiday homework tasks to complete to ensure they are up to date, prepared to hit the ground running on their return. All VCE ATAR students have designed a holiday homework plan in ROADMAP study classes this week and should aim to stick to that. Students who come back without work completed will be required to attend compulsory support sessions until they are up-to-date.
Year 12 results release… the wait is almost over, results for students enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3-4 sequences in 2024 will be delivered to the student’s nominated address from Thursday 12th December. The 2024 VCE results and ATAR service portal is Students wishing to use the 2024 VCE results and ATAR service to access their VCE results online or via the app will need to register in advance at Registration opened in August 2024. Students will need their VCAA student number and personal details to register. They will be asked to select a secure password when registering, which they will use to access their results. They only need to register once. The password they create can then be used for both the internet service and mobile app. Students should be advised to register by 5pm Sunday 8 December to ensure they can access their results from 7am, Thursday 12 December. If they have created a VTAC account (all MSC VCE ATAR students did this during ROADMAP classes in 2024), this is separate from their registration for the VCE results and ATAR service and will not give them access to the service. The 2024 VCE results and ATAR service is free and will be available from 7am Thursday 12 December to 5pm Monday 16 December. The MSC Pathways leader (Teena Borshoff) has posted information on Compass about the change of preference window and families are encouraged to make contact if they require further information. The pathways team has a priority approach to the change of preference window, based on data we’ve collected, and will be contacting students who have not met pre-requisite requirements, or missed clearly-in ATAR scores for their preferred course.
Final words for 2024
It has been a great year for me professionally and I’m grateful for the experiences I had and the students I’ve been able to support. I’d like to acknowledge all the contributors to the Senior School throughout 2024, particularly the year level leaders (Jake Uhlenberg at year 10, Jasmine Keough at year 11 and Jo Reeman at year 12), year level coordinators (Alex Malligan, Jen Rolls at year 10, Mick Williams and Heidi Bremner at year 11, Jo Dixon and Victoria Milner at year 12) and Rebecca Slater (Applied Learning Leader), Teena Borshoff (Pathways leader) and the team in student services including Fiona Cornwall (now moving into our pathways team), who have all worked to improve the lives of our students. I also wish Teena Borshoff the best of luck in her new role at a different school (and know Teena will still be available to provide insight for myself and our 2025 pathways team). Teena has been a wealth of knowledge for students (and myself) over many years at Mornington and I thank her for those years.
To the students and parents with whom I’ve had the privilege to work with in 2024, thank you. Sometimes an Assistant Principal gets involved when things haven’t gone as well as hoped and important conversations and meetings are required. At all times, the welfare and educational success of a student or cohort is at the heart of any decision considered and made. We are all invested in getting great outcomes for our students/children and I look forward to meeting more of you in 2025. A special mention again to the families of our senior Aerobics team who I got to know better over in Adelaide, it was a really enjoyable experience for me to see families in a different setting and another example of the great opportunities available to students who dare to dream.
Have a great summer holiday with your families and friends, look after each other and I’ll see in 2025.
What is coming up this term?
Thurs 12th Dec – VCE ATAR results released to students
Mon 16th Dec – 2024 MSC Awards evening
Kind regards
Nick Evans
Senior School Assistant Principal
End of Year Fast Approaching
We have been having a fantastic Fast Forward program with staff and students loving their new classes. Next week we have Orientation Day, where students will be doing a range of offsite activities. We will then be running faculty-based activity days for Wednesday (11th) through Friday (12th). These days will involve cross year level groups doing focused activities in the various key learning areas. These days will be a lot of fun, but will also involve some interesting learning.
We will then round the year off with our school wide activities program.
Mike Parker
Assistant Principal
Student of the Week
Zane Berryman
Year 8
Favourite food: Tacos
Hobbies out of school: I like drawing and tennis
What sports team do you follow: Richmond FC
Favourite TV show: Breaking Bad
Do you have any pets: 2 dogs, 2 birds, a turtle and a few fish
What have you enjoyed most in Fast Forward? My new class and learning about my new subjects
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? A 3D animator
Fern Jenner
Year 8
Favourite food: Dumplings
Hobbies out of school: Volleyball, shopping, and hanging out with my friends
What sports team do you follow: Collingwood FC
Favourite TV show: Any drama shows
Do you have any pets: A new groodle puppy named Eddie
What have you enjoyed most in Fast Forward? My new class and my new teachers
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Something to do with fashion design
Heidi Hoffmann
Year 9
Favourite food: Sushi
Hobbies out of school: Running and reading
What sports team do you follow: Richmond FC
Favourite TV show: Friends
Do you have any pets: 2 dogs, a groodle named Duke and a moodle named Max
What have you enjoyed most in Fast Forward? My new teachers
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? No clue
Campbell Duthie
Year 9
Favourite food: Mac and cheese
Hobbies out of school: Running and swimming
What sports team do you follow: Hawthorn FC
Favourite TV show: Cobra Kai
Do you have any pets: A dog named Nelson, and a cat named Juice
What have you enjoyed most in Fast orward? Having different classes with different people
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? I want to be a lawyer
Aerobics 'Come and Try'
On Monday the 9th of December, the Aerobics Squad will be holding another 'Come and Try' sign up session for any students heading into Year 8-12 interested in joining the Aerobics Squad in 2025. The session will take place from 3:30-4:30pm in the Herbie Gym - don't forget your runners and PE gear! If you cannot attend this session but wish to join the squad please contact Indie Jowett. Hope to see many of you there!
AFLW Grand Final Win
Taylah Gatt (Class of 2022 and #8 at North Melbourne) played in the premiership winning side of the AFLW 2024 Grand Final on Saturday the 30th of November! North Melbourne went undefeated for the whole season, which has never been done before by any AFL/AFLW team.
After losing to the Brisbane Lions in the 2023 Grand Final, the Kangaroos faced up against the same opposition on Saturday, defeating them 39-9. Taylah played her 3rd season with North Melbourne this year and has extended her contract until 2027. Last year she was awarded North Melbourne's 'Best Young Player' and this year, she polled 4th in the leading goal assists for the league!
Congratulations on an incredible season Taylah.
Year 10 Formal
It was a wonderful night had by all and it was incredible to see our students after a full year of growth celebrate their achievements together with a sit-down two-course dinner, DJ and Photobooth.
We were proud to present a number of awards, including some voted for by the students, such as “most likely to lead a double life”, “Miss Sassy” and “Mr Dramatic”.
The Year 10 Team were also proud to present our “Student of the Year” award to Miss Isobel Reed for her incredible and consistent effort to her studies throughout the 2024 school year.
The Year 10 Team would like to thank the staff who attended the evening to celebrate with their students, including Mr Nick Evans, Dr Jasmine Keough, Ms Julie Cameron, Ms Katrina Antoine and Ms Alex Healey. It meant a lot to the students to see some familiar faces in attendance.
MSC Squads
MSC’s squads are available to students from year’s 7-12. We strongly encourage students to get involved in at least one squad. This is a great way to keep fit, meet new people and feel connected to a group within the College. It is also a fantastic opportunity to train for a specific event or sporting team to supplement training outside of school and also have the opportunity to represent the school in that given sport or event.
We encourage students to come along and try out these squads- no bookings required, simply attend one of the training sessions outlined. For further information about individual squads please contact the teacher in charge.
All abilities welcome! Each squad has a major focus on participation, so whether you are new to the sport or more experienced and hoping to advance your skills and fitness levels squad coaches will cater for you needs.
The contact details to make an appointment with Doctors in School has changed. If you would like an appointment please email or call 5970 0259.
Japanese Nara Visitors
Japanese students enjoyed a day filled with activities including origami, paper plane competitions, chess, soccer, volleyball and badminton. They then enjoyed a sausage sizzle for lunch.
Stile Booklet - Year 7 2025
To limit the cost of textbooks to parents the school has decided to use Stile X booklets for Year 7 science. The booklets are purchased in a bundle for $20 as opposed to approximately $80 for a traditional textbook. Each topic has a booklet which is a hybrid of a textbook and notebook. Stile bundles will be available for your child once parent contributions have been paid.
To pay for this please log onto compass payment centre and pay the contribution.
Once paid, the student will be given their booklet via Student Services.
2025 Student Subjects and Contributions
2025 Student Subjects and Contributions are now available on Compass, via parent access. Click into the payment centre to view your child's 2025 subjects.
Below are the detailed 2025 subject contributions by year level:
Don't forget to look on Compass for End of Year Activities Consent and Waivers.
If you have already purchased/signed up for End of Year Activities on Trybooking, there will now be a Compass event requesting consent and waivers for relevant excursions. Consent and the return of waivers need to be sompleted by the 8th December.
If your child missed out on signing up for any activities, there are still some free on-site activities they can attend. These include movies, swimming, computers and gaming, minor games, dance, basketball and board games. Please contact Ms Emma Kirkos to sign up for any of these events.
School Saving Bonus
The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
By now you should have received your email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code.
The School Saving Bonus will help families cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions, activities and more.
If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.
Parents and carers can use the School Saving Bonus code in store at school-nominated suppliers. Parents and carers can also choose to access the School Saving Bonus online system, where they can allocate part or all the $400 bonus to use at school nominated-online suppliers or for school activities. A step-by-step user guide is available on compass news feed.
To use the funds towards school activities and camps, please follow the instructions in the parent guide and allocate the funds to the school. The School will be notified within a couple of days that you wish to use the nominated amount on events.
When you are ready to use these funds on events, select the credit balance option in Compass and also email to advise the following:
- Amount
- Name of Event
- Name of Student
For more information visit
If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code, please contact the Department of Education by emailing
Watch the video tutorial on YouTube
2025 Booklist and How to Order Flyer
2025 booklists are now available for purchase.
Please see the attached "How to Order" flyer for details on ordering online. All orders placed by the 11th December will be delivered to home addresses by Fri 24 January 2025.
NB: Orders placed by the due date, 11th December will only incur a processing fee of $5.95 and free delivery. After the 11th December a processing and delivery fee will be applied to all orders.
Campion Education Customer Support
Ph: 1300 433 982
Email: OR
Or complete the Contact Us form on our website:
Below is a link from Campion Education with further information for parents regarding the School Saving Bonus. Here is the link below:
- Information for parents / carers: FAQs and how-to-order flyers
Uniform Sale
Don't miss out on a bargain!
Summer dresses, woollen jumpers and blue shirts are on sale through the college.
See the flyer below for more details. NB: The summer dress on sale is only for our Year 8 to 12 students.
Community News
Click here to access a link regarding the free tampons and pads initiative which has commenced its roll out and will continue until end of 2025:
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