Student Support

Pip, Tyrone and Leah

Food Support

The end of year can be a tricky time, especially when there’s already a lot going on. It’s important to start planning ahead, and know what opportunities are around to help alleviate some of the stresses the summer holidays can bring. Something we can do to help out is offer food packages. If receiving some extra food to take home for the holidays is something that will help you to enjoy them please feel free to contact Tyrone at school or the front office and we can sort something out.




What is Bullying?

Bullying in all its forms is about power and control and it’s never, ever okay, be it at school, at home, at work or hanging out.


Bullying is an ongoing, repetitive behaviour that over time perpetuates the perception of power and control.

These are just some examples of bullying, there are many more. One way to test whether something is a bullying behaviour is to T.H.I.N.K.

Is what someone saying or doing: True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind? 

If it isn’t, then perhaps their behaviour is bullying.


Bullying is a choice

There are no excuses for bullying, bullying is a choice, nobody made someone bully someone else.


What do I do if I’m being bullied?

Talk to someone about it. Talk to your teacher, Ms Laidlaw, Mr Harris, Tyrone or Pip.


If you see someone being bullied, tell the bully to stop. You can say something like “What you said is bullying and is not okay.”

It’s okay to even feel scared to speak up and say no to a bully. But the more people who speak up about bullying, the more we have an opportunity to stop bullying.


This website also provides further information on Bullying.