Clyde North Campus News

College and House Captains Leadership Training Day
Last week our 2025 College and House Captains from both campuses spent the day together at the Enchanted Maze. Students participated in a number of physical activities designed to support their understanding of collaboration, problem solving, communication and reflective practice, all skills required of a successful leader.
This was the first time the college has used the Enchanted Garden and the feedback for the student leaders has been very positive. One of the most important features of this leadership day is the bringing the student leaders from both campuses together. It unites them in a unique manner as they gain a better understanding of the importance of viewing their leadership through the lens of one college rather than two separate campuses. This ensures that collectively they lead the college through the lens of servant leadership. Our thanks to Mr Brannan and Mr Bardi and their team for leading this critical component of building the formation and capacity of our student leaders.
Please enjoy these student leader reflections:
I thoroughly enjoyed the Leadership Day at the Enchanted Gardens as I felt that I had learnt many new skills and made new friendships. Throughout the whole day I met students at the other campus, and I was fond of the team building exercises that we completed, such as the scavenger hunt. I also took away some valuable skills such as communication, flexibility, conflict resolution and more. Overall, I loved conversing with fellow captains while also taking away valuable skills. - Trisha R Avila House Captain (2025)
This year's leadership day has been such a thrilling and unique experience with an empowering message; leadership is about being able to fall forward and being not afraid to fail. At the beginning of the day, we were split into groups and participated in an active and fun scavenger hunt, working as a cohesive team to decipher clues, complete photo/video challenges, and be the first team to collect all clue cards. Running around Enchanted Adventure Garden was not only a great workout but provided a great opportunity to get to know fellow captains who will be leading the College in 2025 alongside myself and the College Executive! Overall, this experience was very enjoyable, and meaningful; the highlight was the moment where we were left to discuss our vision and goals for 2025 with our Cranbourne Captain counterparts - which has got me so excited for what is in store for next year!" Vichit College Captain (2025)
Being at the leadership training day had given me a chance to be in an environment filled with people who have previously held leadership roles. Seeing how they carried themselves as they are taking on a new or different leadership position provide me with perspective about leadership skills and attributes. I enjoyed working alongside the leaders from the Cranbourne campus. The variety of activities provided us with a deeper understanding of collaboration which requires all points of view to be considered and valued. Whilst this was at times challenging it was most rewarding as our working relationships become stronger.
Kimberly Augustine House Captain (2025).
Year 10 Applied Learning Trip to The Melbourne Cricket Ground and Sports Museum
On 11th of November, our Year 10 Applied Learning students visited the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and its sports Museum. The day was both educational and inspiring as students discovered the rich history of the MCG. The group explored the museum’s extensive collection, from cricket to AFL, Olympics, Commonwealth Games and beyond. Students learned about historic events, memorable matches, and the legends who have graced the ground. One of the highlights of the day was a special session with a remarkable guest: a Special Olympian Andrew Negrelli who shared his personal journey. The students were inspired by his story of determination, resilience, and what it takes to compete in the world of adaptive sports. The visit sparked important conversations about perseverance, teamwork, and the pursuit of excellence.
Special notices
Maintaining high standards the St Peter’s way.
As the Summer months begin, there can be a sense of the school winding down, however we still have much work to do across the year levels 7-11. It is therefore critical that we maintain our high standards and live by ROCKS every day. This means students are:
- respectful, kind and safe in all communication and engagement with each other, staff and all members of our college community. (R, K, S)
- On time every day for all classes including Tutor Group (O)
*Lateness without a parental reason will incur a lunchtime clean up duty.
- Come with all materials, including a fully charged laptop. (O)
- Are in full school uniform, this includes no false eyelashes or nails, clean shaven, and carrying the official school bag. (R, O)
I ask your support in helping our young people not only comply with these expectations but continue to aspire to be the very best version of themself.
E-Scooters – are not permitted at school. – Safety warning.
A reminder to all parents and guardians that students are not permitted to ride e-scooters to or from school or bring to school. There are no exceptions to this, and any e-scooter found on campus will be confiscated for parents to collect.
The safety of our students and staff is paramount. I thank you for your support in this matter and remind our community that there are legal requirements such as a minimum age for the use of e-scooters. This aside, the school does not permit e-scooters for any student of any age.
I wish you all a safe and productive week.
Mrs Julie Banda
Head of Campus - Clyde North Campus