Catholic Identity & Mission News

The end of the year is fast-approaching - and as exams begin and we get those final assessments and tasks completed, we are also getting ready for the Year 12 Retreat.
By the time you read the next edition of the newsletter, we will be in the middle of our two Year 12 Retreats, with the Clyde North campus Class of 2025 heading off to Camp Rumbug in Foster North, followed by our Cranbourne campus. Over the three days away, the current Year 11s (and soon-to-be-called Year 12s!) will be taking some time out during the Headstart period to reflect on where they are in their journey of life, exploring their relationship with faith, with each other and with themselves as they look towards the future at the beginning of their final year of schooling.
As a part of the Retreat program, the Class of 2025 will work together to determine what they believe their “mission” is as leaders in the St Peter’s College community. They are becoming the oldest students in the school and with that comes the responsibility to set a good example to all students, especially to our new Year 7s who are getting ready to join us for their Orientation Day next week. The Class of 2025 will reflect on how they as a cohort will embody the pillars of our school - “Faith, Education and Service” - as well as our ROCKS - “Respect, Organisation, Collaboration, Kindness and Safety”. As a cohort they will establish their ‘mission statement’ - what defines them as the Class of 2025.
The pillar that seems to be resonating with me most at the moment is the pillar of Service. This pillar calls us as a school to do the following:
- engender a sense of community amongst staff, students, parents, parish and the broader community
- be inspired to serve others to create a better world
- engender an understanding that we are stewards of this world and with this comes responsibilities
This pillar of ‘Service’ is actively demonstrated by our incredible Social Justice Groups on each campus, led by our respective Social Justice Co-ordinators, Ms Cathy Michael (CRA) and Miss Clarisse Campos (CLN), as well as our brand new Social Justice Captains for 2025, Clara Matters-Jara (CRA) and Michelle Muchai (CLN). Even amongst the busyness of exam preparation, final assessments and homework, the Social Justice Groups have been actively working on a number of initiatives at this tail-end of the year.
The Clyde North campus Social Justice Group just held their version of the “Anything But A Bag” Day, held earlier in the year by our Cranbourne group. It was fantastic to see the dedication of many of our students to raising money and awareness for the work of St Vincent De Paul, whilst struggling to carry their laptops and books in some “interesting” bag-alternatives! This included items like shoe-boxes, laundry baskets, picnic baskets and, what ended up being a winner of the Anything But A Bag parade, a dish-drying rack! I heard from the winner that the agreement made with mum and dad at home to use this item was to ensure all the dishes were washed and dried - yet another act of service!
In addition to the unorthodox school-bag alternatives, both of our Social Justice groups have begun their advertising and push for the Vinnies Christmas Appeal - this is a yearly opportunity for us to give back to families and those in need of support during this Christmas season. If you have anything of the following non-perishable or Christmas-related items around the house or in your pantry that you can donate, please bring them to school and drop them in the Vinnies Christmas Appeal boxes in the House areas:
- Christmas Pudding
- Biscuits
- Christmas Cake
- Crackers
- Mince Pies
- Jams & Chutneys
- Long-life products
- Non-perishables
- Tinned Goods
- Candy Canes
A little goes a long way as we try to support the Vinnies Christmas Appeal, who provide for families who are struggling to survive with increased cost-of-living pressures this Christmas season and beyond.
Mr Tishan Lokuge
Acting Deputy Principal – Catholic Identity & Mission