General News

From the Archives
There are three main statues of St. Peter that adorn the grounds of St. Peter’s College.
The first (2012) is the statue of St. Peter near the Global Learning Centre.
The second (2016) is the statue of St. Peter on the Clyde Nth Campus.
The third (2023) is in the foyer of the Cranbourne Administration Building.
However, did you know that there is an older statue of St. Peter on the Cranbourne Campus? It is in the foyer of the St. Peter’s College Chapel and came as part of the original fittings of the chapel. The date of providence is unknown, but it is quite possibly seventy-five to a hundred years old.
The statue in question links St. Peter’s College to the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.
Around the ceiling of the Chapel is the inscription TU ES PETRUS ET SUPER HANC PETRAM AEDIFICABO ECCLESIAM MEAM, ET TIBI DABO CLAVES REGNI CAELORUM. “You are Peter, and on this rock [“petram”] I will build my church, and to you, I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven.”
Part of the same inscription is on the statue of St. Peter in the St. Peter’s College Chapel as you can see in the photograph below.
As such, our College can claim a connection with Peter, the first Bishop of Rome and head of the universal Church
St. Peter, Pray for Us. Greg Nelson, Archivist
Exits 2025
Our registrar would like to remind those families of students not returning to St Peter's College for 2025 to please notify us as soon as possible. Exit forms can be obtained from your student's Houseleader. Early notification will assist us with finalising enrolments for the coming year.
All enquiries regarding exits can be directed to our registrar via email -
Year 11 Numeracy Project: Designing a Game and Pitching for Investment
This term, Year 11 Numeracy students took part in an exciting and hands-on project where they designed their own Spin the Wheel games, learning about probability, finance, and investment along the way. The purpose of the project was to explore the connection between probability, finance numeracy, and investment strategies.
Game Design & Probability
In small groups, students were tasked with designing a game of chance, where they needed to calculate the odds of winning and losing. They set the rules, instructions, and the amounts to be won or lost, applying their knowledge of probability to make the game fun but also fair. The process required careful thought and calculation, ensuring that the game was both engaging and mathematically sound.
Pitching for Investment
The second part of the project involved students preparing a Shark Tank-style presentation to secure investment for their game. Each group developed a proposal outlining how their game worked, the financial costs, potential revenue, and risk factors. They then pitched their ideas to the class, asking for “investment” to bring their game concept to life. The project mirrored the real-world process of presenting a business idea to investors, giving students an authentic experience in entrepreneurship.
Key Skills Gained
- Financial Numeracy: Understanding the link between probability and financial outcomes, including how to design and assess risks in a game.
- Teamwork & Communication: Collaborating effectively within groups and presenting ideas clearly to others.
- Critical Thinking: Analyzing how to balance fun with fairness and profitability, while managing risks in the game design.
Throughout the process, students enjoyed the challenge of creating their own games, engaging in problem-solving, and experiencing the real-world application of numeracy skills. Their final presentations were an impressive display of creativity and financial literacy. Here are some examples of the fantastic work they produced.
Ms Pushpinder Kaur
Y11 VM Numeracy Teacher
Cranbourne Campus