A note from Mr Jackson

Working Bee Saturday
16 November
There won’t be time to sneeze this coming Saturday as we gather for a range of tasks to be completed. They include …
- A face lift of the Sports Shed that includes some painting, screwing, constructing and cleaning!
- Collection of sticks and debris across the yard
- Clearing of some drains (dreary but important tasks)
- Establishing posts for an arbour in the sustainability garden! We have the posts but looking for some hole diggers
- Planning and preparation for a GaGa pit!
All are welcome to stay for the BBQ at 12noon to celebrate the achievements of the morning. Bring along a wide brimmed hat, gloves and firm shoes for an active morning. Sign in at the Staff Room.
Orientation Day
Friday 15 November
We welcome the 2025 Preps onsite tomorrow morning at 9:30pm. This will be the final parent workshop.
A reminder to our incoming Prep parents that a final parent evening session will be held on Wednesday 20 November at 7:30pm. The goal of this is to meet with prep teachers and hear a little more about life in the early years. Prep staff will be describing ‘A Day in the Life of a Prep Student’, a 2024 parent will share their experience of the first year of primary education and the class structure for the coming year will be announced. While children are welcome, there is no specific program planned for them.
The final Orientation will be a ‘drop and go’ on Thursday 28 November. Children will meet their 2025 buddies.
Remembrance Day
Monday 11 November
Thanks to our leaders in Year 6 who travelled down to the Watsonia RSL to commemorate Remembrance Day. The message was clear, we need to do everything we can to avoid the horror and sadness of war! Our students jointly laid a wreath to remember all those whose lives have been torn apart by war.
After the ceremony, we were delighted to attend a morning tea hosted by the RSL. We wish to congratulate Charlotte who was presented with a scholarship as she enters Year 7. She was awarded this special scholarship with the following words ….
Charlotte displays ‘Courage, Commitment and Mateship’ daily. She is a kind, friendly, respectful and hard-working student, who is always willing to lend a helping hand. This was particularly evident during the School Concert process recently, undertaking the massive role of ‘Stage Manager’. She ensured everything was under control and was a big help to the teachers and students backstage. She undertook all tasks willingly and always with a smile on her face. Charlotte, continue all the amazing work you do and keep being a shining example to others around you.
Thanks to the RSL at Watsonia for providing this special acknowledgement of leadership.
Access to the School Site Reminder
For the safety of students, all parents or carers who visit our school during school hours, other than for the purposes of school pickups and drop offs or for specific school events (eg parent teacher interviews, concerts, assemblies etc), are required to sign in as a visitor at the school office. Please refer to our Visitors Policy on our website for further information.
Active Travel To School
We are all conscious of the recent tragic traffic accidents that have impacted schools and communities over recent weeks. One way we can minimise congestion in our neighbourhood is to promote an active travel to school experience.
We are excited to partnership with Banyule Council to encourage all of our community to consider travelling actively to school in a safe and supported manner. The Active Travel to School month will take place early in 2025.
Smile Squad Six Month Fluoride Varnish Visit 2025 - 24 March to 4 April 2025
The Banyule Community Health Smile Squad team are heading back to Rosanna Primary to complete six-monthly fluoride varnish applications for those students who have provided consent. Fluoride varnish applications help make sure students have the best chance of preventing tooth decay, so we’re excited Smile Squad are coming back.
Consent for this fluoride varnish application was provided when students’ initial consent forms were returned. However, if anyone has changed their mind and do not wish to receive a fluoride varnish application, they can contact Banyule Community Health directly to let them know. Please contact the Smile Squad team on 9450 2000.
Drop Off Zone
A reminder that we are fortunate to have a ‘Kiss and Go’ space to ensure the safety of students. Recently, I received information informing me that a parent had dropped their children off while parked in the middle of Grandview Grove. I encourage our community to prioritise the safety of students and patiently wait for appropriate spaces in this zone and collect or drop off their child in accordance with the parking restrictions.