Grade 2 Community News

Dear Grade 2 Families and Carers,
I'm not sure how you feel, but for us teachers and students, it seems like planet Earth is spinning faster than ever! Maybe it's because we’re having so much fun and learning so much along the way. Our Grade 2 students are almost ready to become Grade 3s, and it’s exciting to see how well they’re showing our school values. Let’s look at what we’ve been learning!
In reading, we have started our new Read 2 Learn topic: ‘Great Inventions’. We have been exploring how inventions have changed the way we live today and how it could possibly change our future. The students have learnt information about the great inventors, like Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Alva Edison. Students were encouraged to think as inventors and think about inventions that they would like to see in the future. In fluency, students are exploring the shared reading approach, and this is a great method to consolidate fluent reading.
In Writing, students have been exploring advertisements and identifying their key elements. They were encouraged to analyse how effective advertisements make use of specific language features. Students were explicitly introduced to slogans and were shown how to incorporate four main language devices into their own advertisements. We connected this unit to our Reading to Learn (R2L) lesson on "Great Inventions," giving students the chance to create a poster showcasing an invention they would love to see in the future. To further enhance their learning, students presented their ideas to the class using the posters they had created. It was inspiring to see the creativity in their ideas, and we can only imagine what the future might hold with inventions like these!
In Maths, we have started our new unit ‘Time’. Students were exploring digital and analogue clock features and how to read time looking at these clocks. The students have revised their knowledge on how to read o’clock and half past and continued to how to read time using the language ‘quarter past’ and ‘quarter to’. It is a bit tricky when you read these times on a digital clock, but so far Grade 2s are doing great!
In Health, Students were learning about water safety and explored how different health messages persuade their audiences to follow their recommendations. Students were then given the opportunity to create their own health messages.
Friendly reminders
• Now that it is term 4, please ensure your child comes to school with their Tarneit Rise hat every day. If they do not have their hat, they will be directed to play in the shade.
• Please ensure you are continuing to support your child in getting to school by 8:45am, so that they are not missing any valuable learning time (and can reach their attendance reward goals!)
• Encourage your child to read every night and record it in their reading journal as part of our take home reading program. It has been fantastic to witness our students’ continued growth! Once again, we thank you for your ongoing support.