
Lunch Time Clubs / Running Club
During Term 2 and 3, the Wellbeing Team ran a Fun Run Club for senior students and staff. Students would run a whole lap of the perimeter of the school alongside staff. As the term progressed, students were able to run faster and had less breaks! Across the two terms students ran a total of 32 kilometres. Students gave feedback and said that the Fun Run Club made them feel happy, energised, and they enjoyed making new friends through fitness. Keep your eye out for more exciting clubs this term.
The Wellbeing Team has been supporting students in a program called Seasons for Growth. The program supports students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and respond well to experiences of change, loss and grief. We meet once a week and do activities, have meaningful discussions, and get to know each other. Our Seasons program has really helped our Year 6 students who are transitioning to high school very soon! Watch this space for more exciting programs.
Legacy Club
Our Year 6 students have been working hard with the Wellbeing Team in our new Legacy Club. Each week students meet for Legacy Club and are using their amazing artist skills to design a banner for our upcoming Vision Day. Students work together to create artworks that can be a lasting legacy and used in future graduation celebrations. Keep your eye out for some of the exciting things happening for our Year 6 students, such as Vision Day and graduation.
What is art therapy?
Since term 4 2023, the wellbeing team has included an art therapist. You may find yourself wondering, “What is art therapy?”
The Australian, New Zealand and Asia Creative Arts Therapies Association defines Creative Arts Therapy as “an experiential psychotherapeutic approach offered by qualified practitioners utilising a range of creative modalities. It is holistic - attending to emotional, cognitive, physical and spiritual well-being and aligns well with indigenous and non-indigenous models of health and well-being.” (anzacata.org)
Art therapists use creative processes to support emotional exploration and expression; increase self-awareness; and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Feelings can be difficult to put into words, and art therapists can facilitate emotional expression and understanding, support emotional regulation, and promote resilience. This differentiates an art therapy session from a traditional art class.It has been a joy to watch students flourish in the art therapy space! Students attend art therapy from the standard wellbeing referral process.
Cora Beebee-Sandry
Art Therapist