Grade 5 Community News

Dear Year 5 families,
As we are approaching mid-term and starting to enjoy warmer weather are all feeling the sense of wellness and happiness having the extra source of vitamin D in our systems.
Our unit on Wonder is continuing where students are following the life of August closely, discussing his daily challenges with friendships, acceptance into modern day life of schooling and how this affects others around him as well. Students are actively taking part in discussions with buddies and as a whole class, sharing their thinking and using evidence from the text to support their thinking.The main themes in Wonder are self-acceptance and Kindness. Students are expected to explore these from the perspectives of August, Jack and Miranda and to make connections to themselves by thinking ‘how they would react in different situations’ as they are entering the world.
In writing, our narrative poetry has been an exciting opportunity for students to express their inner voice through poetry and we have seen and heard some amazing poetry creations. The next unit we are starting will be speeches. And although this might seem a scary area for some students, it is a time where they will be given the opportunity to use their voice! We will start off with what makes an engaging speech and identify the elements of a speech. To enable students to succeed we will look at different examples of speeches and unpack them together giving them the tools to write their own convincing speech.
In mathematics, the students have completed the unit on Money and Financial Planning. In this unit students estimated and planned costs of daily grocery items, worked out a budget for an event and learned how to calculate discount amounts off sale items. What a great unit to study before the end of year shopping madness starts!
Our current unit is Chance and Probability. Students are studying possible outcomes of chance and represent them using fractions, percentages and decimals.
In vocabulary, the students will be learning 6 new words each week from text ‘Wonder’. Students look at the meaning of the words, synonyms and antonyms for the words, and how to use the words in sentences.
In week 6 students look deeper into identifying the five key habits to health, safety, and wellbeing (healthy eating, being active, sleep, social connections, and balance)
In week 7 students will begin to investigate the topic of puberty as knowledge delivered will support the students understanding ahead of the ElephantED Incursion in week 8.
Digital Technologies
In week 6 students will learn how digital data is represented, by understanding in further detail key components of IT such as binary & software.
Thank you so much for your active support in your child’s education.
- Nightly reading journals- how many nights of reading has your child/children completed so far this year? Please remind your child to bring in their journals on the designated days for signing by their classroom teachers.
- Sun Hats - with warmer weather it is compulsory for students to wear a school hat when outside the classroom. Please ensure your child has a hat at school as well as a suitable drink bottle.
- Our ElephantED health incursion ($17.00) is on Wednesday 27th November please check on Compass for payments and permission to attend. If you have any concerns or questions regarding this unit, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.