Grade 4 Community News

We are now halfway through the term, and it has been so wonderful to see the continuing growth and enthusiasm from our students. Term 4 is always an extremely busy time of the year, and we thank you for your ongoing support towards the students.
In Reading, students have continued learning about some of the significant people in Medieval Europe. They have learned about Charlemagne, an inspirational king who had many accomplishments during his rule such as promoting education for all children. They have also learned about other important figures such as William the Conqueror, Henry II, Thomas Becket and Eleanor of Aquitaine. The grade 4 students are thoroughly enjoying this unit and have been able to make many connections to their previous learning.
In Vocabulary, we are continuing to source our words from our serial text ‘Help Around the House’ by Morris Gleitzman.
In Writing, students have continued working on their historical recounts. After learning about the structure and language features of a historical recount, they have begun writing their own using their content knowledge from their reading lessons. Students are writing a historical recount on some of the significant people from Medieval Europe, including Charlemagne, William the Conqueror and Henry II. They are using their notes from their Reading lessons to plan their Single Paragraph Outlines (SPO’s). In the coming weeks, they will have an opportunity to publish their work before moving onto Poetry.
In Maths, our students have started their unit on Patterns and Algebra. After completing their pre-assessment, they were introduced to a student-friendly rubric that they will be using to self-assess throughout the unit. The rubric shows a progression of skills (understanding, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning) and explains to students what this looks like at different levels (beginning, approaching, achieving, going further). Students have been referring back to this rubric at the end of each lesson to see if they have been successful in achieving different parts of the rubric. In Week 5, students explored different number patterns and learned to identify missing numbers by finding the rule. In Week 6, they learned about function machines, unknown quantities in equations and learned how to balance unbalanced equations.
Content Area – Civics and Citizenship Incursion
In Week 4, our students had the opportunity to take part in an incursion where they explored the roles and responsibilities of our local government. They were involved in a mock local council election and meeting, and learned how rules, laws and government support a community for everyone. They had a blast!
AFL Clinic
Our students have also had the opportunity to be involved in ‘AFL Clinic’, where they learned the skills associated with playing AFL. They have learned how to hold a football, the correct form when kicking and have played some games with each other.
- There is a teacher Report Writing Day on Wednesday the 20th of November (Week 7). This will be a student free day.
- In Term 4 all students must wear a TRPS hat during recess and lunch play time. If you do not have a TRPS hat, they are available to be purchased at the office.
Thank you,
PLC4 🙂