Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to Week Six of Term Four!
We are excited to welcome everyone new children, families and staff:
Emma Wilby joining the Prep team.
Zacharie Beaulieu joining the French team
Principal Award Winners
Sayesha always demonstrates the school values. She is a kind and caring classmate, who always offers a helping hand. She is first to comfort her peers and invites children to play, creating an inclusive space for her classmates. Sayesha demonstrates ‘whole body listening’ and a growth mindset when learning, always striving for her best. Sayesha loves PE at school and wants to be a doctor when she is older.
Kirpaal uses an amazing character voice in performing arts. Kirpaal is always a role model and has done amazing work this year in all areas of Performing Arts. Kirpaal has the most infectious smile that makes people around him also smile and feel happy. Kirpaal wants to be a musician or singer when he is older.
Grade 1
Priyaan - Throughout the year, Priyan has displayed the school values of Respect, Kindness, Responsibility and Growth in and out of the classroom. He is consistently seeking feedback and asking questions to support and grow in his learning. He displays perseverance to challenge himself and succeeds in all learning areas. Priyan demonstrates a growth mindset of a can-do attitude by trying and practicing new learning. Whether working independently or with others, he always approaches each task with enthusiasm and care. Priyan makes those around him feel valued and is always willing to help out anyone who needs it.
Grade 2
Zedd always shows the school values of Growth, Responsibility, Respect and Kindness. Zedd goes beyond what is required of her to challenge and extend herself as a learner. She is a helpful classmate for both her teacher and friends and always follows directions quickly. Zedd is a fantastic role model. Zedd loves learning maths at school, and loves going camping in Autum, which is her favourite time of the year. When she is older, Zedd wants to be a doctor.
As we enter the final stretch of the school year, we are filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation as students reflect on their progress and growth. Here’s an update on the key events and important information for this fortnight.
1. Upcoming Events and Activities
Excursions and Incursions
Several year groups will be heading out for excursions, while others will be participating in exciting incursions right here at school. These activities are designed to enrich the learning experience and provide opportunities for students to explore new interests.
- The Grade 4 excursion to Kryal Castle in Ballarat
- The Grade 2 excursion to the Werribee Mansion
- A Music Incursion run as part of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series for high ability children.
- Let’s Talk About Periods – information session scheduled for next Thursday 5.30pm – 7.00pm
- Our school captains represented Tarneit Rise Primar School at the Remembrance Day service this week.
- The Grade 6 Transition Vision Day and Expo – Tuesday 26th November
2. Pupil Free Day
Next Wednesday, 20th November will be a Pupil Free Day for Tarneit Rise PS.
Big Childcare will operate on this day. Bookings required.
3. Last Day of Term 4
Please note that Term 4 will officially end on Friday December 20th, and the last day will be a half-day of school with an early finish of 1.30pm. More details on this will be provided closer to the date.
4. Student Progress and Wellbeing
At this stage of the year, students are revising what they’ve learned and preparing for end-of-year assessments. Teachers are working closely with all students to ensure they feel confident in their knowledge and skills.
We are also focusing on students' social and emotional wellbeing as they transition into the new year. If your child is feeling overwhelmed or stressed about the end—of-year transition, please encourage them to speak to their teacher, or any staff member they feel comfortable with.
Please don’t forget next Wednesday November 20th is a pupil free day for report writing.
5. School Uniform Reminders
With the weather warming up, it’s important that all students wear the correct summer uniform. Please ensure that your child’s uniform is neat and appropriate for school, and that hats are worn for outdoor activities, in line with our SunSmart policy.
6. Community Involvement and Volunteering
We would like to take a moment to thank all our parents and volunteers who have generously given their time and support throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who attended our ‘Tarneit Rise Connect’ morning tea this week, and provided feedback about how to boost school attendance at TRPS.
The highest reason for absence is illness (which we don’t have a lot of control over) and the second is extended family holidays (which we do have control over).
We would love to hear you ideas about how to boost attendance at TRPS, and would encourage you to fill in this quick (anonymous) form.
Thank you for your continued support.
6. End-of-Year Reminders
As we approach the end of the year, please remember to:
- Return any school library books by
- Consent on Compass & finalise payments for upcoming events or excursions.
- Update your contact details if there have been any changes, to ensure you don’t miss important communications.
Thank you for your continued support throughout this busy and exciting term. We look forward to finishing the year on a high note with lots of fun, learning, and celebration. As always, feel free to reach out to the school with any questions or concerns.
Warm Regards,
Nadia (Principal)
Gemma, Adam, Lauren, Stephen, Missy, Sarah and Alana (Assistant Principals)