Student Wellbeing

Positive Behaviour for Learning

As part of the work the school is doing around Positive Behaviour for learning we used the information gathered from the three surveys that were completed last term- the teachers, the students and families. Below gives you the first draft of our new behaviour matrix. Our PBL team will now meet and fine tune the finished product and then the teaches will create short lessons that explicitly teach each of the points below.


DRAFT: Expected Behaviours at St. John Vianney’s Primary School

Vision : Walk  with families in faith and knowledge. We are a diverse and connected community who through powerful  collaboration and  inquiry inspire each individual to learn and flourish in a contemporary world. 


Everywhere and Always

Learning Time

Play Time

Loving God  …..

‘May we strive to be your face, hands and heart.’

‘Be with us as we endeavour to do our best in all of our learning.’

‘Guide us in all our play’.  

I am respectful when I…
  • Use kind words and actions 
  • Keep my hands, feet and objects to myself 
  • Demonstrate active listening 
  • Follow instructions
  • Value diversity
  • Work at the appropriate noise level
  • Raise my hand to gain the attention of the teacher


  • Include others 
  • Play fairly and follow the rules of games
  • Show sportsmanship 
I am responsible when I… 
  • Wear the correct uniform 
  • Move safely
  • Follow our school routines
  • Look after the property of myself, the school and others
  • Tell an adult if something does not feel right 
  • Flush, wash, dry, goodbye 
  • Put my rubbish in the correct bin
  • Follow the ICT agreement
  • Actively participate 
  • Am ready for learning
  • Use learning time effectively
  • Play in the correct area
  • Look after sports equipment
I am resilient when I…
  • Use a positive mindset
  • Try my best
  • Use strategies to solve problems
  • Use strategies to regulate myself
  • Accept the consequences of my behaviour 
  • Persist when things are hard
  • Learn from my mistakes 
  • Give and receive feedback
  • Display flexible thinking 


  • Bounce back when things don’t go my way


 Our SRC's have been spreading this message with our classes.


At St John Vianney’s we want everyone to feel safe and be safe!

  • If I don’t feel safe
  • If I feel uncomfortable
  • If I am worried

I can:

  • Tell my teacher or someone who works here 
  • Tell Mr Mullaly
  • Tell mum or dad 
  • Email my teacher or Mr Mullaly
  • Have a friend with me when I talk to an adult


Adults at St John Vianney’s will:

  • Always listen to you
  • Always try to help you fix any problem or worry you have


Kind Regards

Jenny Willmott

Deputy Principal/ Student Wellbeing Leader