Faith Reflection and RE News

Faith Reflection
Luke 24 - Jesus has Risen
As Christians, we have all heard about the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is a core tenet of the Christian faith, showing us that Jesus was not only human like the rest of us but also true God. He wasn’t just a well-intentioned holy person but God himself. In this week’s reflection, I thought it would be appropriate to focus on how Jesus showed himself to the disciples.
First, two of the disciples are walking to Emmaus. While talking about everything that had just happened, a man joins their journey and partakes in the conversation. The man says to them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” to which they reply, “Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” The man then responds, telling the two others that they were foolish not to understand the Scriptures and have faith in Jesus.
Upon arriving at Emmaus, they go and eat. The man took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and began to give it to them. Then they recognize that this stranger who has walked with them the whole time was Jesus! He then disappears.
Next, the disciples return to Jerusalem to tell the others. While they were talking, Jesus again appears, saying “Peace be with you.” They are all shocked, with the ‘doubting Thomas’ putting his fingers in Jesus’ wounds to believe that he was indeed alive.
What are some consistent themes that come from these two passages? The first is that Jesus is amongst the disciples, yet unseen or recognized by everyone around them. How many times have we maybe had Jesus around us, working without us seeing his works or support? Secondly, we see the disciples again as very normal, human characters. They react similar to how we all would – with initial disbelief and shock. Also, after the initial death of Jesus, we also would have felt afraid and the need to move on to our other daily challenges.
Yet, Jesus in all the passages is unequivocal to have faith and trust in God. Trust, no matter how dark things may seem or how impossible any solution may look. God, whether we know it or not, is around us. Much like the journey to Emmaus, he is walking with us and helping us even if we do not recognize him. This week we are encouraged to have faith no matter the obstacle.
This week, think of one or two big challenges that you will need to encounter in the medium term, and know that somehow you will get to the other side of them with God’s help. You might focus on praying to God about what is going on in your life, maybe write down some thoughts about what is happening in your life and reflect on what you can and can't do.
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
St John Vianney,
Pray for us
RE News
Class Masses
This week, we are starting our Class Masses. This is a wonderful tradition at St. John Vianney's, where each of our classes plans and leads a Mass. Each Mass has a chosen theme according to the Church calendar or an idea that resonates with the children.
Everyone, regardless of their faith, is welcome to attend the Masses.
At the conclusion of each Mass, the families of the allocated class are invited to attend a morning tea in the Staff Room. Families of the class are asked to bring food for the morning tea. Packaged and homemade food are welcome! Please make sure that a list of ingredients is available (either written or on the packaging) due to allergies.
This Friday, the 3/4 L Class will be leading our school Mass under the theme of "the Season of Easter." This is an excellent opportunity for our students to reflect on the meaning of Easter and how the season continues beyond the Easter Bunny's arrival!
Term 2 2024
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Date | Class | Theme |
19.4.2024 | 3/4 L | Season of Easter |
26.4.2024 | No Mass | |
3.5.2024 | 5/6 N | Friendship A true friend |
10.5.2024 | 5/6 A | Mother’s Day |
17.5.2024 | 3/4 H | Pentecost |
24.5.2024 | No Mass | |
31.5.2024 | 3/4 W | Reconciliation |
7.6.2024 | 3/4 TG | Sacred Heart |
14.6.2024 | 3/4 C | Love, Kindness, Family Let your light shine |
21.6.2024 | 1/2 SM | Generosity |
28.6.2024 | No Mass | |
Term 3 2024
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19.7.2024 | 1/2 DS | God’s Gifts |
26.7.2024 | 0 L | Grandparent’s Day - Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim |
2.8.2024 | 0 P | St John Vianney Feast Day |
9.8.2024 | 0 KC | Mary Mackillop |
30.8.2024 | 5/6 O | Father’s Day |
6.9.2024 | 1/2 M | Creator God |
13.9.2024 | 1/2 W | Holy Name of Mary |
20.9.2024 | 5/6 L | Peace |
Term 4 2024
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11.10.2024 | 5/6 J | Mary - Rosary |
25.10.2024 | 1/2 B | We are God's hands |
Confirmation - Sunday 28th July @ 2.00pm
First Communion - Saturday 9th November @ 6.00pm
Sunday 10th November @ 10.00am
Saturday 16th November @ 6.00pm
Sunday 17th November @ 10.00am