The annual St John Vianney’s House Cross Country event will be held for students in Years 3 to 6 on Monday 22nd April. This event is focused on participation, fun and doing your best for your team. All participants are awarded points for their team, a winning house will be announced on the day. Individual results will also be used to select a team to run at the Wellington District Cross Country event on Monday May 6th.
All 3-6 students are expected to participate. Cross Country running is an important part of the Health/PE curriculum as it encourages persistence, effort, aerobic fitness, stamina and provides a great challenge for students of any age. Students have been preparing for this event by running longer distances during PE classes in Term 1.
Parent volunteers are greatly appreciated and required to ensure students are supervised and encouraged during this event. If you are able to help on the day (9am - 1:30pm) please email Mrs Sullivan ssullivan@sjvmulgrave.catholic.edu.au to notify your availability. All parent helpers must have a current WWC.
Schedule *Please note change of times*
(Times are approximate)
9:00 Assemble in houses for Years 5 & 6 instructions and races
9:10 Year 6 boys 2.3km race - 5 laps
9:35 Year 6 girls 2.3km race - 5 laps
10:00 Year 5 boys 2.3km race - 5 laps
10:25 Year 5 girls 2.3km race - 5 laps
10:55 Return to class
11:00 Lunch break
12:00 Year 3/4 ‘s assemble in house areas, on oval for welcome and instructions
12:10 Year 3 boys 1.9km race - 4 laps
12:35 Year 3 girls 1.9km race - 4 laps
1:00 Year 4 boys 1.9km race - 4 laps
1:25 Year 4 girls 1.9km race - 4 laps
1:55 Students return to the classroom
2:30pm Announce Winning House - at line up after recess
What to wear and bring: - School sports uniform and runners and wear their hat when spectating
- Water bottle
- Ventolin (if you child is asthmatic, their Asthma plan and medication should already be in the First Aid room. We encourage students to take their puffer prior to their race.