Principal Post

Dear Families,
Welcome back to SJV for Term 2 ! And a special Happy Easter to all those who celebrated! May we experience the love and joy that the Risen Lord promises us all!
I trust that we enjoyed time with our family and friends and feel refreshed and ready to launch into another important term at SJV!
We are here to support our students and families; striving to ensure that our students are progressing well both socially and academically. We expect of all our students that they will do their best and will continue to focus and apply themselves well to all activities.
A special to 'Welcome' to Ethan who has begun in 3-4C this week! We hope that Ethan and his family will feel well supported across the coming years.
We also welcome Desmia Kromodellis who has begun as a Learning Support Officer and will work in various classrooms each day.
Class Masses Commence
This week our 3/4 L will be celebarting the first of our Class Masses for 2024. This is a wonderful tradition at SJV where our students lead a Mass (most Fridays throughout 2nd & 3rd Terms) about their chosen theme. I encourage you to look at the RE News section of the newsletter to see when your child(ren) have their allocated Mass. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend any of the Masses.
There is a Morning Tea that follows for the class and their parents/relatives. If you are providing a plate for the Morning Tea ensure that there is no nuts (or cooked in nut oil) or fresh cream. List your name and all ingredients.
Our prayers and thoughts...
Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with all those effected by the tragedies in Sydney in the past week. May we continue to compassionate, prayerful people.
House Cross Country Sports
Our House Colour Cross Country for Year 3-6 students is next Monday 22nd May. For all information please read the dedicated page in this edition of the newsletter.
Term 2 Reminders
- Please remember students can begin wearing winter uniforms to school now the weather is getting colder.
- There is roadwork near the back entrance of school as you have been made aware, so there may be traffic delays for a few weeks. Please be patiient and safe at all times.
- Grade 5/6 Parent Camp Information - May 2nd at 2.30pm in the Performing Arts Area
- Please remember supervision of students begins at 8.30am when our gates open.
First Aid Workshop for students
Yesterday our Year 5-6 Level participated in a First Aid workshop. The students learnt about ringing for help (000) in an emergency and basic help before and after an emergency including CPR. Students from other levels will participate across the coming weeks. Have a read and look at the photo gallery in this edition!
Maths PL
Congratulations to Miss Sarah Blakemore and Miss Allison Weerappah!
Last term, teachers from Foundation and 1/2 participated in a Maths professional learning day around explicit teaching. Following their learning on the day, they practiced new strategies in their classrooms, and were asked to film themselves reviewing Maths concepts with their students. Their videos were reviewed and they received feedback. This week, Sarah and Allison have been contacted by MACS to acknowledge the high quality teaching seen in their videos! It is great to hear our teachers being recognised for their fantastic work with your children! We have excellent teachers and LSO's! Well done.
ANZAC Day Badges and Poppies!
Each morning and afternoon before and after school our School Captains and Publicity Captains will be selling our ANZAC Day badges and poppies at the front and back gates. They range from $2-$50. All donations go to the RSL.
John Hannah House
This week we continued our Intergenerational Playgroup Program with 5/6 L and the residents of John Hannah House. They played Uno and talked about the Easter break. A great start to our Term 2 partnership!
St Vincent de Paul
Yesterday our Mini Vinnies met with two representatives from St Vincent de Paul Society to learn more about Social Justice and how they could support those in need.
The students reported the learnings from the interactive presentation included the difficulty for some people in asking for help. Also that homeless people are not necessarily elderly.
Open Day Tours
Our next Tour is 22nd April (next Monday)
For full list of Open Days please refer to 2024 Open Days Page in this edition.
If these dates do not suit, prospective families may ring to make a mutually convenient time.
Parents are our best 'Marketing Tool'. Please pass on the good news about our school.
2025 Sibling Enrolments Interviews
If you have a child starting school next year (2025) we will be in touch with you shortly regarding dates for an Enrolment Interview.
Back Gate Car parking
Council/Yarra Valley Water have told me that they will be conducting works across Dunoon Court beginning Monday for the next few weeks. There may be some disruption to parking but they have reiterated that parents will have access to St John Way. Please be patient & mindful at all drop off and pick up times.
Resilience Awards
This week Lucas Do from 3/4 LS won the Empathy award for showing kindness to other.
Students or teachers can be nominated for an award for displaying gratitude, empathy or mindfulness.
The Choir has started this term again and is on every Wednesday for the first half of lunch. We look forward to seeing some new members this term. The choir will sing at the school masses and other whole school events.
School Closure...
No school on ANZAC DAY Thursday the 25th April or Friday 26th of April - Closure Day.
Parish - 60th Anniversary Celebrations
Thanksgiving Mass with Archbishop Comensoli Date - Sunday April 28th
Time - 10.00 am followed by Morning Tea in the Hall (Bring a plate)
Friday Dinner at Freccia Azzuria Club Braeside Date - Friday May 3rd
Time - 6.30 pm
Tickets are $70 PP, Children Under 12yrs - $30, Under 2yrs - Free.
Tickets are on Sale at masses on the weekends 13/14 April, 20/21 April.
Get your group and make a table of 10.
Payment be Cash or Credit Card accepted.
School Advisory Council
Our next meeting is April 30th. If you wish to bring any item to the Council our email is
Fete Meeting
Please save the date!!!
Next Meeting Tuesday 7th May -7pm Gavin Felix Room off the Church
More information to follow.