Mambourin Campus

Mambourin News

What a great start we have had to 2024. We have welcomed our new Prep students, and our Year 1 and 2's have had a settled start to the year also. We trust that our new families feel welcomed and part of our Mambourin community.


We have been equally as proud of our new and returning teachers who have embraced their roles and are valuable members of our Good News Lutheran College family. Our staff have connected not only with their students, but also as a teaching team.


During this term, our students have begun to expand their knowledge of literacy and numeracy, connected to their community and school routines through our ‘Who we are’ unit of inquiry. They have gained throughout the term an insight into their identity and culture. We have seen our learners develop their questioning and thinking skills showing themselves to be Thinkers and Inquirers.


Thank you to our families for their continuous support this term! We are all excited about what next term can bring here at Mambourin. Have a happy and safe holiday break.


Mrs Mikaella Nelson and Ms Lara Ronalds

Interim Head of Campus and Curriculum Leader Mambourin

Harmony Week

In our exploration of "Who We Are," Prep H delved into the significance that families have in shaping our identities. Children presented family photos, sharing their backgrounds, cultures, and traditions. The audience was engaged by actively listening and asking questions. Both presenters and listeners embodied attributes of a Communicator, one of the IB Learner Profiles. This experience not only empowered students to take pride in sharing their stories but also fostered a culture of inclusivity and understanding in our classroom.


Chanlee Welten

Prep H Teacher (Mambourin)

Free Parent Education Seminar 

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