Parliament House excursion

Year 5 Excursion - Victorian state parliament


Last Friday, students in Years 5 visited the Victorian state parliament. They visited the House of Representatives (green room) and the Senate (red room). In these rooms, they were informed about how laws were made and what the roles are of each member of parliament. They really experienced first hand the hard work Mr and dedication it takes to be a politician




Parliamentary Sitting Week

We have received some wonderful feedback from Carina, in Canberra for the Parliamentary Sitting Week.


Carina had a wonderful time running a mock parliament at St Justin’s!  She spoke about the mock parliament in Parliament in Canberra this week and mentioned our 5 and 6 students.


She wanted to share the video with you to pass on to the Year 5/6 students.


You can view the clip of her speech here:


Carina wanted to pass on her gratitude to everyone for welcoming her to your school.  She would love to visit again soon!