Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Icy 3B- Icy showed outstanding focus and concentration whilst creating her sunset watercolour background. You exemplified the school value of “Be a Learner” and were a great role model for your peers. Congratulations Icy and well done!

Performing Arts - Muziwandile 1A for demonstrating pride and enthusiasm during his outstanding dramatic performance as the Train Conductor character. Well done for displaying fantastic voice, movement and a positive attitude. 

Chinese - Eva 6C for being a good learner and feedback provider. Eva demonstrated a positive attitude towards class content and tasks. In addition, she provided valuable feedback to teachers. Thanks, Eva! Well done!


L.L.I. (Years 1 & 2) - Dilshaan 2B for consistently demonstrating attentive listening skills and trying his very best when completing learning tasks in L.L.I. lessons. Keep up these great work habits, Dilshaan!


6B - Leni for being a responsible, caring leader to younger students. Keep up the awesome work! 

6C - Sally for demonstrating a positive attitude towards her learning this week. In particular, math's! Keep up the positive mindset. 


5B - Imogen and Ethan for consistently showing pride in her work and her school. Imogen is always offering to assist her peers and teachers. Well done, Imogen & Ethan!

5C - Boadie, I am so proud of how hard you have settled into DPW. Well done for taking pride in your work, having resilience when you are unsure of the task, and stepping out of your comfort zone when making friends in the yard. Keep it up!


4A - Harjaap for being a curious and interested learner during our National Gallery of Victoria excursion. He showed respectful and sensible behaviour, modelling our School Values at all times. Congratulations Harjaap! You have had a wonderful start at DPW!

4BThao for her outstanding behaviour on our excursion. Not only did she show the DPW values, but she was very involved in the full experience, immersing herself in the art work and taking the time to read about each piece. Well done!

4CAleks for being an amazing and engaged learner during our Year 4 excursion. Not only did she model our school values, but she also immersed herself in the experience by voicing her honest opinion and reflection of the artworks in a respectful manner. Fantastic work, Aleks!


3A - Sofia for her outstanding effort shown when completing her persuasive writing. She included a range of persuasive devices and worked hard to upskill the vocabulary in her writing. Well done, Sofia!

3B - Winston for showing resilience and perseverance during NAPLAN this week. It was awesome to see you trying your hardest and checking your work once you were finished. Keep up the amazing work, Winston!

3CChristina for demonstrating our class vision of kindness, as voted by her peers. Christina participates in all activities and discussions using the School Value of Respect.

3C - Last week Ali for exhibiting our class goal of kindness, as voted by his peers. He always models our school  values of Respect and Collaboration. Well done Ali!


2C - Ibrahim for being a kind and considerate classmate to his peers. He is always there to lend a helping hand to others! Well done, Ibrahim!

2B - Daniel for being highly engaged and an active participant during our Drama Toolbox  incursion. He was being safe, respectful and a learner. Excellent work, Daniel 🙂

2A - Katie for always putting in a high level of effort and working hard to improve her handwriting. 


1A - Jacob for taking pride in his learning and being a real reader during independent reading. Well done, Jacob!


FB - Elly for demonstrating integrity. She followed all teacher instructions promptly and showed willingness to listen, watch, share, and learn across all key learning areas. Well done, Elly!


Highlighted Students

Lower Primary: 

2A - Katie for always putting in a high level of effort and working hard to improve her handwriting. 


Upper Primary: 

3B - Winston for showing resilience and perseverance during NAPLAN this week. It was awesome to see you trying your hardest and checking your work once you were finished. Keep up the amazing work, Winston!