Assistant Principal Report

 Deanne Scott & Spira Antonopoulos 

Congratulations Rian!

One of our Year 6 students, Rian Kumar, spent the recent long weekend at the Gold Coast competing at the Muay Thai National Championships. He has been dedicated to his sport and is ambitious to achieve the best he can. We are very proud to share that he competed extremely well and won the silver medal! 

Rian would like to thank his teacher and his friends for their encouragement and best wishes.


Crazy Hair Day

On Thursday 28th March (the last day of term 1), we will be having a Crazy Hair Day! Come to school with your hair coloured or in a crazy different style for a gold coin donation (school uniform still required). Any money raised will be donated to the World’s Greatest Shave.

I (Ms Scott) am participating in the World’s Greatest Shave to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation to support Australians facing blood cancer. For my part, I will be shaving my hair off at assembly that day.


Pride and Integrity Raffle 

This raffle, to recognize all of the students who are attending school on time, will continue this year. This is to acknowledge the students demonstrating Pride and Integrity by being ready to learn each day.

Every student who is at school, and in their classroom, before the bell (9am) will have their name added to the class attendance box. So, if they are present every day of the week, on time, they will have 5 entries into the raffle. 


Last week’s class winners were: 

FA – Gawa, FB – Ayla, 1A – Arya, 2A – Ethen, 2B – Emric, 2C – Sarah, 3A – Avery, 3B – Christina, 4C – Semaet, 5A – Faeryn, 5B – Kilian, 5C – Ashmi.


The raffle winner was Ashmi from 5C! Congratulations! 

Ashmi received 15 PACs for Pride & Integrity (Be a Learner).


2024 Term 1 Challenge of the Week

Students collaborating for Week 6’s challenge earnt a PAC each. 


Math Problem Search (Subtraction)

The students were:

Boston 5A (& sister) 

Alessio 3B (& mum & dad)

Andrew 3A (& mum)

Emily 1A (& mum)


Week 8’s math's puzzle is:

‘Circle Addition’

The aim is to collaborate with 1 -3 friends or family members (no more than 4 people per entry) to solve the puzzles. There will be more than one puzzle so try to solve as many as you can!


Please hand your answers to the office before 2.30pm on Thursday 28th March.


Thank you,








Deanne Scott

Assistant Principal






Many thanks,









Spira Antonopoulos

Acting Assistant Principal