Almighty and Everlasting God, 

You have given the human race Jesus Christ our Savior as a model of humility. He fulfilled Your will by becoming Man and giving His life on the Cross. Help us to bear witness to You by following His examples and make us worthy to share in His resurrection. 

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. 


We pray ... 

for.....all those travelling  during the Easter break – may they be kept safe; for our St Nicholas School Community, that we all experience a happy and rewarding Easter with our family and loved ones. 


Yesterday some of our Year 4 students had the opportunity to attend Reconciliation and Year 2 had a class visit with Fr Chris. Next Wednesday more of our Year 4 students will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation.


Family Masses

Our next family mass will be held on Sunday 7th April (Yr 1 and Yr 5) at St Nicholas Church at 9.30a.m. 


These Masses are an opportunity for our School community to come together with our Parish Community to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and to share a ‘cuppa ‘and morning tea afterwards. 


Stations of the Cross Liturgy 

Today staff and students paused in reflection and prayer on Holy Thursday for Stations of the Cross. We would like to thank all the readers and commentators for their efforts in ensuring the morning was meaningful before moving into the Sacred Paschal Triduum. Thank you also to the parents and friends who were able to join us. 



Project Compassion Boxes

Some students have been asking me what to do with their Project Compassion Boxes when they are filled. These can either be given to Mrs Dunst here at school or alternately taken to St Nicholas Church and handed in at one of the masses scheduled for Holy Week.


Congratulation to the Altar Servers who completed their training last week at St Nicholas Church with Fr Chris. Current Altar Servers will now be joined by Amanda Nweke, Evangelyn Nijo, Catherine Ross - Bibito, Anh Tuan (Will) Nguyen, Minh Quan (Ryan) Pham and Charlie Dunst.



PARISH MASSES - St Nicholas/St Mary's Church

28th March - Last Supper 6pm

29th March - Stations of the Cross 10am

29th March - Good Friday 3pm

30th March - Easter Vigil 6pm

31st March Easter Sunday 7.30am St Mary's Church

31st March Easter Sunday 9.30am (no 5.30pm Mass Easter Sunday)

GREEN DAY - Caritas Fundraiser - Thank You!

Thank you to all those who came along to help celebrate our annual Green Day. A special thank you to all the teachers, especially the Year Six teachers and parents, for their organisation of students and individual stalls. We were particularly impressed with the Year 6 students who were outstanding on the day especially with their enthusiasm and organisation. What tremendous leadership! Of course our main objective was to raise money for CARITAS. The communities this organisation works with to assist will benefit greatly from our efforts. In 3 hours our school community managed to raise $867.10 This clearly demonstrates the tremendous spirit of generosity from parents and students. THANK YOU! 



First Reconciliation and First Eucharist 

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation and program will begin early in Term 2 for our students (who are baptised Catholic) and parents in Year 3. This will include a Parent Information and Enrolment Session at St Nicholas Church on Wednesday 1st May at 5.30pm or a repeat session on Saturday 4th May at 2.00pm. At least one parent is required to attend one of these sessions.