Celebrating Student Learning 

Year 2 Drama Toolbox Incursion

On Thursday the 7th of March, all the Year 2 classes participated in the Drama Toolbox incursion. 


First, we met Seal the puppet who was starting at a new school and was feeling very worried about it and needed the students to help her along the way. 


We used different puppets to role play each of the different animals that were at her new school, some were crocodiles, whales, mice, turtles and even bears!


By the end of the session, we had helped Seal to learn lots of important things, such as taking turns, how to be a good friend to others and how to be resilient and not give up! 


We had a fantastic time helping Seal at her new school!!


Year 2 Teachers


Celebration of Learning

Dear families of DPW,

 It was nice to see parents come along to our first Celebration of Learning for 2024. Our mathematics focus proved to be a fun and interactive afternoon. 

Please enjoy some of the photos taken from the afternoon.


Spira Antonopoulos 

Acting Assistant Principal 



Gardening Club


Year 1-2 Cross Country

Well done to all our Year 1 & 2 students who participated in Cross Country. 

Super effort by everyone.