Principal's Report

Senka King 

End of Term

Due to Good Friday – Public Holiday, the end of Term is on a Thursday. We also finish at 2:30 so please remember to collect students on time.



Assembly on Thursday will start at 1:45pm so we have time for the World’s Greatest Shave, where Ms Scott will be having her head shaved. You are welcome to attend and donate to the cause. 

  • Students eat lunch- 1:00-1:15pm
  • Lunch play time- 1:15-1:45pm
  • Assembly 1:45 – 2:30pm
  • Students dismissed- 2:30pm 

Crazy Hair Day 

Students are expected to wear their uniform, but they can support the World’s Greatest fundraising for the Leukemia foundation by bringing a gold coin donation and styling their hair (colour or crazy hairstyle). 


Harmony Day

Thank you again for a lovely day acknowledging the diversity of DPW primary school. we have more photos for you in this newsletter. Enjoy 


Did you know?

  • 218 students speak a language other than English at home. That is nearly 55%.
  • Vietnamese is the most widely spoken other language (31%) followed by Punjabi (9%).

Celebrations of Learning

The Year 6 students were having a great time playing Maths games with their parents on the topic of measurement, the Year 5 students engaged in a Mathematics scavenger whilst the younger students were ordering the days of the week with the help of their visitors. 

Thank you all for attending.


Vietnamese Parents Meeting

It was great to meet up with the Vietnamese parents and talk about what has been happening at the school and explain how we collect data on children’s mathematics skills and support their learning. Don’t forget, children can access Mathletics at home and practice their Maths skills. 


Thank you

A huge thank you to our Deer Park West community for attending the many events at the school this term. When parents attend events at school, they are demonstrating that they value education, sending a clear message to their children that learning is important.



During the school holidays we will have cleaners here doing the term clean but if you see anything of concern do not hesitate to contact the police.



I would like to thank Ms Scott for undertaking the role of Acting Principal as I take leave for most of Term 2. I will return in Week 11 for the last week and catch up with everyone during Parent/Teacher Conferences scheduled for the last Tuesday.


In the meantime, wishing you all a safe and enjoyable break.


Kind regards, 


Senka King
