Principal's Report

Simone Roy

The short week has really emphasised how fast time has flown by and highlighted just how much has been packed into the final week of Term 1. 


I'd like to commend the staff and students for all their hard work in adapting to our new processes throughout the term. I am looking forward to continuing to work on our goals around clarity, consistency and collaboration again next term.


Conferences were well attended on Wednesday evening and it was great to see so many students joining in the conversations about their learning. While we knew that having the 3 hour window for conferences would mean that some families would miss out on appointments, we don’t want the conversations about learning to stop there. If you want to talk to your child’s teachers, please either email them, or call school to organise a time to meet with them.


The House Cross Country run is always a nice way to end the term, with some students competing and others participating. What better way to spend the last afternoon of the term than in the sunshine, outside, with your friends. This year, Mitch Harris organised a bit of fun with a good old fashioned Easter Egg hunt! Even big kids still like getting Easter Eggs!


I hope that all our students, staff and families have some down time over the break, and get to focus on life’s important things, such as spending time with family and friends, as well as enjoying some quiet time for reflection. Thanks for a great start to the year and bring on Term 2!

Term 2 Start

Monday 15th April, 9am

NB: The Tasmania Middle School Camp begins on Monday 15th, leaving from school at 5am. The Seasons of Excellence excursion for Art/Tech Year 11 and 12 students is also leaving at the same time. Don’t be late!