Student Leaders News & Awards

Antonella Tsakmakis - Wellbeing Leader



Each week an award will be given to a student

that demonstrates one or all of our school values:    

Community   Excellence   Respect

No Ignatian award this week


Student Class Awards:  from Week 6 

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort or achievement in their learning, collaboration and initiative as well as resilience, and kindness in their classroom this week. 

GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep AK



KellyFor trying very hard to follow our classroom routines!

Prep SV



EmersynFor excellent sounding out during our reading groups.

1/2  AS



LulaFor making a detailed and interesting plan for her narrative.

1/ 2  DG



Olivia H.For always being a courteous  class member with a tremendous passion for learning.  

1/ 2 MB



Chelsea For always being kind and trying her hardest in everything she does. We are so lucky to have you in 1/2MB. 

3/4 TR









For creating and extending 6 digit numbers during numeracy sessions.


For showing persistence in completing a reading quiz on line.

3/ 4  MG





For his positive attitude to learning and always doing his best.

3/ 4  VA




For his great work in maths!  Thank you for focusing and 

participating in maths sessions.

5/6  FA



AustinFor showing wonderful community spirit in the class. Well done Austin!

5/6 BOC









Thank you Johnny for your kind and caring nature towards everyone. You work so hard and we are so proud of you.


Thank you Lucy for being dedicated to your learning and for having a growth mindset.

Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton

Genesis (1/2DG)



For encouraging and being kind to her group members and focusing on keeping her rhythm.




Mrs Mcleary

Thomas Prep 

For showing respect and responsibility to his classmates by waiting his turn patiently in PE



Mr Su




For showing great listening during the lesson and making great efforts learning to write the new words.


Ms Colleen



For working hard to understand 'Precipitation'

Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

Term One  Week 7

Present: Lendrick, Chloe ,Chelsea, Amelia, Cesafino, Hannah, Angela, Ari, Cam, Clem, 

Anthony, Mikayla, Vihaan,

Date: Tuesday 12 March 2024


The SRC are very happy to announce that our wonderful Parents and  Friends have generously donated funds for a play cubby house and play kitchen for the playground. 

Hopefully this will be delivered next week! I'm sure it will bring a a lot of fun

Thank you P and F!!!


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

Prep AK: 8 working well

Prep SV: 10 exploring their learning and having fun

1/2 MB: 9 sharing our ideas and helping each other

1/2 DG: 6 sometimes we interrupt the teacher and call out

1/2 AS: 8 some people are speaking and need to listen more

3/4 TR: 8 most people are listening but some people are distracted

3/4 MG: 8 remind each other that in the class it is about learning 

3/4 VA: 8 preparing for NAPLAN and Inquiry posters 

5/6 BOC: 8 some people are still talking over the teacher and not being respectful

5/6 FA 8: working on our democracy posters together, listening to opinions of others


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

Prep AK: 8 doing work together and packing up our shared space

Prep SV: 8 great circle time

1/2 MB:  9 being fair and equal

1/2 DG: 7 we are reminding each other to not call out 

1/2 AS: 7 need to listen to each other and help one another

3/4 TR: 7 not finishing work - tell the person that is distracting you to stop.

3/4 MG: 7 choosing groups that only have their friends, not including everyone

3/4 VA: 8 people helping others during Inquiry and working together in the group

5/6 BOC: 10 we  get our work done even if it is noisy- need to improve on this

5/6 FA: finishing persuasive texts


Learning and events at Trinity this week:

  • Catholic Education week - In the light of Christ
  • Dental Van visits our school from Monday
  • St John’s First aid course for Year Prep-6 students
  • SEDA soccer clinic for Year 5/6
  • NAPLAN for Year 3 and 5 students
  • Divisional swimming competition 
  • Gabrielle de Vietri visiting year 5/6 for Talk on democracy as part of Inquiry unit
  • Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral for some senior students and Mr Ru
  • Year 5/6 visiting St Ignatius church

What can we improve

 on this week:

  Class  Actions

When we go to the toilet


PrepsWe go and get back to class, we don’t play. 
Some people playing tag are too rough and push Year 3/4

Remind each other to play fair and safely.

Everyone wants to play and to have fun!

Tag is to be played on the yard.


No hats on the yard


everyoneAs it is week 7 we all need to be wearing our hats

Jumping off the spider web

Running through the tennis game and over the net


everyoneSafety on the yard is for everyone at all times


 Suggestions from the SRC

PJ day to raise money for Caritas -  Project Compassion- $1 donation

Can we have a class pet??


Safety issues from the SRC

Please make sure the water taps are turned off when you leave the

bathroom and keep the floor clean and dry. If it is wet let the office know.




At Trinity we use "Circle Time" to develop skills in listening, understanding and empathy. Circle Time promotes respect for others, their opinions and engages students in knowing more about one another and building positive relationships within the class and with their teacher.

Students are guided by prompts and questions to consider topics such as our school values, exclusion, inclusion, gratitude, responsibility, fairness, safety and community.

It is also a way for students to share news, celebrate events and congratulate each other.


Circle Time is scheduled daily in each classroom and we believe encourages a more caring atmosphere at our school. 

Circle Time is also an opportunity to share ideas, ask questions or raise concerns in class that can be followed up at the class meeting.   

There can be questions  asked during  Circle Time that are just for fun such as: 

 "Would you rather..."  Would you rather swim like a fish or fly like a bird?

"What's your favourite..."

 "If you.."  If you could be an animal what would you be?

"...or...?"  Beach or farm?   Winter or Summer?   

Questions and prompts would be age appropriate and it is always interesting to hear the responses given bystudents!  

Circle Time has three expectations that each student needs to follow:

  • Only one person should speak - the “talking object” helps this rule
  • You can "pass" if you don’t want to speak about something
  • No put downs



Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader