Principal's News
Mr Rodrigues
Principal's News
Mr Rodrigues
Prayer for understanding
We praise You, God, for the diversity we see all around us.
We rejoice in the complex beauty of your creation.
Help us to celebrate the wonderful blend of cultures and peoples in this world
by actively seeking solidarity with one another.
Dear Families,
As communicated last year, Trinity will undergo a major whole school review this year as part of MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools and the VRQA (Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority) process to make sure all schools have the most up to date policies and procedures in place and to ensure quality education and child safety standards have been established. Once the review has been completed a reviewer's report will be provided to the school with a number of recommendations which will provide the information required to map out our whole school improvement directions over the next four years. This process will include input from staff, students and parents and take into account results gained through our most recent school surveys as well as evidence collected by staff in the areas of, Leadership and Managment, Religious Education, Student Wellbeing, Learning and Teaching and School Community. Many of you may recall this process in 2020 and since then, each year, an annual action plan has been devised to address the priorities and goals which came from the school reviewers report.
As a school community we look forward to this process as it will provide a great opportunity to review all aspects of our school and to identify ways that we can continue to improve what we already do and how we go about this.
As part of the work required to complete our whole school review we have planned a Student Free School Closure Day on Friday 26th April, the day after the Anzac Day Public holiday. This will allow our staff to work intensively with MACS staff to review the MACS School Improvement Framework and how our school measures against these. I thank you in advance for your support in enabling us to have this planning day next term.
Parking and Safety
There have been a number of fines issued lately and parking officers will continue to target people stopping in the No Stopping zones particularly in front of the school. I have recently had the Bus Stopping zone changed to a 15 minute parking area to allow parents dropping off students in front of the school to be able to stop legally and drop off. Could I ask that for our children's safety that we do not stop on or near the school crossing and definitely not double park to drop off children particularly on Davison Street.
Open Day
On Tuesday we held our first formal Open Day for families looking at schools for Prep 2025. We had a great turn out of parents and were able to proudly show them around our wonderful school. Once again it became very apparent that many of these families have heard from others about Trinity and came with an already very positive view of the school. We have two more Open Days planned on Wednesday 17th April and Wednesday 24th April. Whilst these are our formal Open Days we have also be conducting many individual tours throughout the weeks for interested families. We are working hard in liaising with our local Kinders to promote Trinity and so I encourage you all to maintain the positive word of mouth which is such an important way to communicate what we are able to provide for our students.
SCHOOL PHOTOS - Monday 25th March
We are looking forward to our school photo day on Monday 25th March. We ask that all children be dressed in correct academic school uniform including black shoes or full black runners. Please see below for online ordering. If you have any difficulty with this please contact the office. We will also send home a hard copy this year as well.
2024 Photo Day Online and Envelope Order Instructions
Parents and Friends
As communicted last week, Jenny will be stepping down as President of the Parents & Friends at the end of this term. We are now looking for that next person to take on this very important and rewarding position. Jenny has given many years and great dedication to the role and I know that she will be able and willing to share her wealth of knowledge to help anyone who would like to consider the role to make that decision. If you would like to speak to Jenny or myself to find out more about what is involved please do not hesitate to contact either of us at any time.
A reminder that our assemblies are now starting a little earlier at 2:35pm each Friday. This will enable us to get through all we have planned more easily. I hope that this does not cause any difficulties for parents and we appreciate your understaning in making this change. We will always do our best to communicate with parents when your child or their class is being presented at assembly so that if possible you are able to be there.
We're Fundraising to fight food waste (See flyer below)
Trinity 100 Years Celebration 2024 - Save the Date! Saturday March 23rd
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Mrs Foley an email.
Kind Regards
Nigel Rodrigues