Classroom News


Foundation-Grade 1 Miss Bennett

WOW! Week 8 already. Can you believe we are coming to the tail end of Term 1. The amount of learning and fun the F/1 students have had this term is amazing along with the improvement they have demonstrated from the beginning of term is very impressive. The last couple of weeks have been extremely busy with lots of extra curricular activities and celebrations keeping us entertained. Some highlights over the past couple of weeks have been: 


St Patrick's Day Celebrations: Did someone say green? Our classroom was a sea of green for St Patrick's Day celebrations on Monday. The students enjoyed dressing up in their green clothes, eating green cupcakes and being involved in the sports carnival. 


St Patrick's Day Mass and BBQ:On Thursday last week, we attended the F/1 mass in our wonderful Church. There was lots of singing and everyone in the F/1 class showed our school value of respect. A big well done to Angus and Will for getting up in front of the crowd and performing a speaking role. Super-stars!!


Maths Incursion: This week, the F/1 students were lucky enough to attend the maths incursion and practice their maths skills in a real-life context. They got to join in multi--age groups from year levels F/1/2/3 and complete 16 different maths activities. There was lots of excellent teamwork happening and Miss Bennett was so impressed with everyone getting in and having a 'Red Hot Go'. 


Classroom meeting: Madison and Tom are our new SAC (students advisory council) reps in the F/1 beehive, as a part of their role they are expected to run classroom meetings once a term. They have officially kicked off their first meeting for the year and took their role very seriously by ensuring everyone in the class had an opportunity to speak. Great job Madi and Tom!! 

 Grade 1-2 Miss Hart

With only a couple of weeks left of this term, we have been working hard to get lots of learning and activities completed. We are very excited for what is to come in the remainder of this term and look forward to sharing it with you all. Here is what has been happening the last few weeks:


Grade 1 and 2 students have been learning about long vowel sounds and the different spellings each digraph has. They have learnt the following long vowel digraphs this term - /ay/, /ai/, /ee/, /ea/, y making the ‘i’ sound, y making the ‘ee’ sound, and /oa/. After completing our lesson, where we learn all about the said digraph, students have had the opportunity to consolidate their learning with rotational activities like memory, read and write games and sentence writing. They have also tried their hand in craft activities. For the digraph sounds /ai/ and /ay/, students listened to the story ‘The Day it Rained Hearts.’ Students created umbrellas with hearts falling from them; these hearts had /ai/ and /ay/ words on them.


In Numeracy, students have been learning about Place Value and Shape. Students completed shape hunts around the classroom and school, along with many fun/hands-on activities to learn about the many elements of 2D and 3D shapes. In our Daily Review, we revise these shapes by saying the name out loud after a picture prompt, or drawing a picture of the shape. In Place Value, students used concrete materials to talk about the value of the digits in a whole number. We especially loved using the MAB Blocks. They also learnt skills like estimation, rounding and skip counting. Our current topics are Addition and Location & Transformation. We have started to learn about what happens when we put two numbers together as well as doubling using one of our favourite games ‘Dino Doubles.’ For our first Location & Transformation lesson, students guided their partner from one area to another using positional language and directions. We then went on to write directions for another group to follow. 



We have just finished our FIRST Text Based Unit for the year. We absolutely loved working with the story ‘Rose Meets Mr Wintergarten.’ This story was new to most students. We learnt about and took part in opportunities to label images from the story, describe characters personality and appearance, order events in a story using the narrative structure and answer comprehension questions in detail. To complete our unit, students wrote descriptive sentences about the three main characters in the story - Rose, Rose’s Mum and Mr Wintergarten. Most students described Rose and her mum as confident and kind people, whereas, Mr Wintergarten was a cold and grumpy man. 



Alongside learning about Lent and Easter this term, we have been investigating Project Compassion and their many stories. With Holy Week fast approaching, we are in the process of putting together our performance for our school community. We are busy practicing and perfecting our singing, dancing and actions. 

Grade 3 Mrs Stock

We have had lots of fun celebrating the Feast day St Patrick! Here are some of our favourite things from our two days of celebrating:


Lani- I loved the cupcakes made by Rach. I loved the sports because they were entertaining and fun. I really liked tug of war and the obstacle course. 


James- I enjoyed the team building elastic game.


Ben- My favourite thing was tug of war because I got dragged with Ryder. 


Carter- My favourite thing was the sports carnival. I liked the chicken throw activity the best!


Sydnee- My three favourite things about St Patrick's Day were the green/rainbow cupcakes made by Rachael, the obstacle course and the team building elastics.


Zara- I enjoyed the sports! My favourite sport was the tug of war because it was fun!


Jaxon- My favourite thing was sport because we did tug of war. I enjoyed it because I felt strong. 


Sophie- My favourite sport was tug of war. My favourite thing was the sports carnival. 


Liam- My favourite thing was the sports carnival and I enjoyed all of the activities because they were all really fun. They also had good music! 


Ryder- On Monday afternoon, we had St Patrick's Day. We had a sports carnival and my favourite sports activity was tug of war. I also enjoyed the dress up parade. 


Phoebe- My favourite part about St Patrick's Day was the sports and the sausage sizzle. My favourite sport activity was tug of war and the skeleton relay. 


Edith- I enjoyed the cupcakes and when we did sports. My favourite activity was tug of war!


Madeline- I loved the sports carnival because there were all sorts of sports! I enjoyed the cupcakes because they were very yummy!


Hudson- My favourite part of St Patrick's day was tug of war because it was hard and fun. 


Stevie- My favourite thing about St Patrick's Day was the St Patrick's Mass, because we could learn about St Patrick. I also liked the green cupcakes because they were yummy.


Daphne- My favourite thing about St Pats day was the cupcakes and 'rob the nest' at the sports carnival. 

Grade 4 Mrs Loughran

St Patrick's Day

The students dressed up to celebrate St Patrick's Day.  We all got into the spirit and even got to eat special cupcakes, how lucky are we!!!!  Students learnt about St Patrick and what he did in his life.

Maths Incursion

The students tested their knowledge during the Maths Incursion on Wednesday.  The students should be so proud of the skills they showed during this session.  The activities tested their knowledge in all areas of maths.


We are working hard on our Inquiry project in preparation for the celebration next week.  We can't wait to show our parents what we have been working on!



Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen

It's been a whirlwind start for our Grade 5/6 students, packed with exciting activities and memorable experiences. From engaging in buddies programs to igniting leadership skills at the GRIP Leadership Day, swimming sports to St. Patrick's Day celebrations, each moment has been filled with learning and fun. Our class spent some time, reflecting on the highlights and favourite memories…


Max - My favourite thing has been lawn bowls because we got to compete against other schools.


Cyril - Lawn bowls because I liked competing against kids from others schools that I knew.


Colman - Going to lawn because I got to go this year and I liked playing against other schools.


Zeb - The swimming sports has been my favourite thing because you got to race your friends and get ribbons and try your hardest.


Dusty - Art is my favourite thing because it is relaxing and fun at the same time.


Xavier - The maths incursion was fun because I liked some of the activities that were hard because I like being challenged.


Toby - I have really liked reading ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ in class because I am learning new words I didn’t know before.


Colt - I have loved buddies because they are all so funny and cute.


Jack - The swimming carnival has been my favourite thing because swimming is one of my favourite sports and it’s not something we get to do often at school.


Amelia - I have loved visiting the kinder because I have made some friends.


Hugh - Knowing the classroom and getting to know people I haven’t been in classes with before. I liked being a part of the sports carnivals and being a FIRE Carrier.


James - I really like spending time with our buddies and how we gave them a toy.


Tamara - All the sports things we have done like swimming carnival, lawn bowls, St Patrick’s Day sports carnival and tennis because they are all great opportunities to interact with other people.


Hannah - Lawn bowls has been my favourite because I got to learn how to do learn bowls properly and I had fun!


Amelie - The GRIP Grade 6 leadership day because the ‘loud noises’ parts were fun and I got to go up on stage.


Isla - Celebrating St Patrick’s day was fun because we had a parade and we got to dress up in green, learn about St Patrick and do the sporting carnival.


Caleb - Going to lawn bowls because I had lots of fun being out of school with my friends. I learnt new skills throughout the day.


Jacob - The act of solidarity was fun, but really hard. It showed me what people have to go through to get clean water. It was fun, but I wouldn’t want to have to do it every day.


Andrea - I have really liked sport because we have fun lessons and things like the Sports Carnival and Swimming Carnival.


Zac - Having our first swimming carnival because everyone got to compete and it was a really friendly competition.