Message From Our Principal

Mrs Jackie Stockdale

As we reach the conclusion of the first school term for 2024, it's essential to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible accomplishments of both our students and staff. Throughout these past weeks, each member of our school community has demonstrated unwavering dedication, resilience, and commitment to excellence. Students have approached their studies with enthusiasm and determination, embracing new challenges and opportunities for growth with courage and perseverance. Their passion for learning and willingness to engage deeply with their education have been truly inspiring.


Equally deserving of recognition are our dedicated staff members, whose tireless efforts and unwavering support have been instrumental in creating a positive and nurturing learning environment. Their expertise, creativity, and passion for teaching have empowered our students to reach new heights academically, socially, and emotionally. From lesson planning to mentoring, from classroom instruction to extracurricular activities, our staff's contributions have been nothing short of extraordinary.


As we bid farewell to this term and look ahead to the opportunities and adventures that await us in the future, let us take a moment to celebrate the collective achievements of our school community. Together, we have overcome challenges, celebrated successes, and forged meaningful connections that will endure long beyond the classroom. 

Next Friday we farewell Miss Stephanie Hayes as she embarks on an exciting journey over the next two terms, traveling and exploring new horizons, we bid her a fond farewell from. Steph has been an integral part of our school community, bringing warmth, dedication, and passion to her role as a teacher. Her unwavering commitment to nurturing and educating our students has left a lasting impact on all who have had the privilege of knowing her.

While we will miss her presence dearly during her time away, we eagerly anticipate her return to St.Patrick's in Term 4. We know that her experiences and adventures will enrich her perspective and further enhance her ability to inspire and empower our students upon her homecoming. Until then, we extend our best wishes to Steph for a safe and fulfilling journey filled with memorable experiences and meaningful connections. May this time away be a time of rejuvenation and exploration, and may she return to us refreshed and invigorated, ready to continue making a positive difference in the lives of those around her. 

Congratulations to all grade 3 and grade 5 students who completed the NAPLAN last week! Your hard work and dedication are truly commendable. NAPLAN can be a challenging assessment, but your efforts in tackling it head-on are praiseworthy. Remember, regardless of the results, what's important is the effort you put in and the lessons you've learned along the way. Keep up the great work and continue to strive for excellence in your studies!


Our recent St. Patrick's Day celebrations were a vibrant and joyful occasion, filled with community spirit and cultural reverence. The highlight of our festivities was undoubtedly the St. Patrick's Day Mass, held on Thursday the 14th of March, led by Father Uday. It was a beautiful opportunity for our school community to come together in prayer and reflection, honoring the legacy of St Patrick.

Following the mass, we continued the celebrations with a delightful sausage sizzle lunch, bringing everyone together to enjoy good food and company. The sense of camaraderie and fellowship was palpable as students and staff shared laughter and stories, fostering a deeper sense of connection within our school community.

As the excitement of St. Patrick's Day lingered, we eagerly anticipated the festivities planned for Monday the 18th of March. Our school buzzed with anticipation as students prepared for a day of multi-age activities and a delicious green morning tea. The vibrant sea of green attire worn by students added to the festive atmosphere, symboliSing our collective enthusiasm for the day's events.

The highlight of the morning was undoubtedly the spirited parade, where students proudly showcased their green-themed costumes and creative flair. The joyous procession was a testament to the creativity and spirit of our school community, with parents attending the spectacle.

Overall, our St. Patrick's Day celebrations were a resounding success, fostering a sense of unity, pride, and cultural appreciation within our school community. As we reflect on the memories created and the bonds strengthened during this special time, we look forward to many more moments of celebration and togetherness in the future.


We have begun our 1st fundraiser for 2024- our annual Easter Raffle.

To make this raffle a huge success we need all families to make a contribution to the raffle: this can be easter eggs, chocolate or anything Easter related. These contributions need to be handed into the office. It is these contributions that are used to create the hampers for the prizes in the raffle. 

Also, don't forget to sell and return your raffle tickets to the school office! 

From Blakes' Mum Alison:


World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is on March 21. On this day, people with Down Syndrome and those who live and work with them throughout the world organise and participate in activities and events to raise public awareness and create a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome.


Our journey:

When we decided to be parents we did just that... wanted to be parents and nothing was going to change that. In the early stages of pregnancy we declined the screening test the doctors recommend as it was never going to make a difference to our decision. After our 20 week scan and 4 abnormalities appeared we were sent to Melbourne for further scans. The lady performing the ultrasound confirmed the same 4 abnormalities that had appeared on our first scan and was very persistent about performing an amniocentesis. When we declined - she kept pushing. She did not seem to comprehend that no matter what any tests would show, our decision to have our baby was never going to change. Despite it only being a very tiny percentage of amniocentesis that can cause early labour there was no way on Gods great earth that we would even consider putting our baby at risk just so the doctors could have all the answers they wanted. So every 4 weeks we returned down to Melbourne for scans and each and every time they pushed for the amnio and we declined. 


Blake was born at 36 weeks and that evening 2 doctors in Bendigo hospital came in and said “we believe your son has Down Syndrome and we’d like to do some blood tests to confirm”. They must have been expecting an emotional outburst but were instead greeted with “yeah that’s fine, no worries”. Dumbfounded one in particular looked at us as if to say “I don’t think you’ve heard us, we think he has Down Syndrome.” Our response was “we don’t know if you believe or not but we are Christian and believe that our child is a gift from God and nothing you can say will change that” With that one doctor didn’t know what to say but smiled awkwardly, the other... well... he had a tear in his eye as we later found out he is a believer too but of course being his workplace he remained quiet. 


A baby with DS is just like any other baby, they eat, sleep, breathe and of course fill a nappy!! They just happen to have an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. Sure they face some challenges along the way but who doesn’t?! 

We don’t see ourselves as parents of a child with DS, we see ourselves as Blake’s mum and dad. We are no different, we encourage him to learn and grow, we guide him to make safe choices and we will go to the ends of the earth to protect him.... just as any other parent would. 


Happy World Down Syndrome Day 


Mini paddy’s playgroup will be running again next term on Wednesdays 9am-10am. Thank you to the families that have joined us this term for lots of fun and adventure, we love seeing old and new faces! 

Please note the last Wednesday (27th March) will not be an actual session due to our Easter raffle and Easter bonnet parade taking place at this time. You are welcome to join in the fun (at 9am) and take part in the Easter bonnet parade too and then have a play in the yard afterwards. 


As we strive to ensure the safety and efficiency of our school dismissal procedures, we kindly remind you to inform grandparents or friends who may be picking up your child at the end of the day about the designated car pick-up procedure at the front of the school.

Recently, we've observed some disruptions to the smooth flow of traffic during pick-up times. It's essential to emphasise that staying in the car while in the pick-up line helps maintain the efficiency of the system. Additionally, we ask that they refrain from pushing into the front of the line and instead wait patiently through the designated drive-through route via the church.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines, as they are crucial for the safety and convenience of all students and families.