From the Principal's Desk

Open Week
Next week is Open Week!
Our Student Leaders and Tour Guides will be conducting tours Tuesday 19th March to Friday 22nd March between 9:00am and 11:00am.
While information has been delivered to our Kindergartens if you or someone you know has a child starting school next year, this is your opportunity to see how we operate.
You are welcome to come at any time between 9:00 am and 11:00 am, alternatively, you can book your exact time by scanning the QR code below.
School Athletics Carnival
Don't forget our Athletics Carnival is on this coming Monday 18th March, at Moonee Ponds Athletics Track (Aberfeldie Park).
All children (Year Prep - Year 6) will be transported by bus and will return around 1:30 pm.
Buses will be leaving at 9:10 am (sharp) so please have your children at school on time.
Children will eat lunch upon their return to school.
Children will need to:
- Wear their sports uniform and wear a T-shirt of their team’s colour
- Bring a refillable water bottle
- Bring play lunch (please pack an extra ‘something’ as the children will not be having lunch until they return to school)
- Bring a small backpack to put everything in
- Have an extra-large breakfast!
Thank you to those wonderful parents who have volunteered to assist on the day. Could you please meet me at the track by 9:20 am.
Please note we have a backup date of 25th March should we need to reschedule.
Our Athletics Carnival is always a lot of fun so let's hope the weather is kind to us.
Easter Raffle
This week each family will receive a book of raffle tickets to sell to family and friends for our traditional Easter raffle. Tickets are $1.00 each. Raffle money needs to be returned to the office by Tuesday 26th March.
The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 28th March at around 12:45 pm in the Gathering Space.
Easter Egg Donation
In order to create the prizes for the Easter Egg Raffle, we are having an Easter egg donation day on Monday 25th March. On this day we ask that each family send in an Easter Egg/Bunny so that we can package them into prizes for the raffle. Easter egg donations are to be placed on the tables in the Community Hall upon arrival at school.
We are also looking for donations of cane baskets (or the like) to package our Easter egg prizes. These can be donated at any time and handed in at the school office.
Easter Egg Wrapping
We will be wrapping all our Easter Egg donations into prizes for the raffle straight after Assembly on Monday 25th March. If you are able to help, please make your way up to the hall after assembly. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Timetable Changes
Over the weeks leading up to the end of term, our timetable will alter to allow teachers to cater for NAPLAN, Team Planning and the like.
Notifications will be sent out by class teachers should children need to wear their sports uniform on different days.
Learning Conferences
Years 1-6 Learning Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday 27th March commencing at 2:00 pm. Children will finish at 1:15 pm on this day.
Use the following booking code to book your appointment or scan the QR code below-
School Closure Days
Please note our upcoming School Closure Days:
- Monday 15th April (the first day of Term 2) - Staff Professional Learning Day: First Aid Training
- Friday 26th April (the day after ANZAC DAY): Staff TIL (Time in Lieu) Acquittal
Students do NOT attend school on these days.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Anthony Hyde
World Down Syndrome Day
World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated every year on the 21st March. Organisations around the world are invited to observe World Down Syndrome Day as an appropriate way to raise awareness of Down Syndrome.
Lots of Socks is a Down Syndrome International campaign to create conversation and bring awareness of Down syndrome on 21st March, World Down Syndrome Day, each year. The idea behind the Lots of Socks initiative is that all types, shapes and sizes of the same thing can be unique in their own way, and yet do the same thing. Everyone understands what socks are, how they look and what they are for, and that no two socks are the same.
Lots of Socks is a campaign to create conversation about diversity, uniqueness, inclusion and acceptance.
Your child is invited to wear a different pair of socks to school on Thursday 21st March. They can be long, short, bright or patterned. Students will be doing some activities around promoting inclusion and diversity.
Thanks for your support.
Kind Regards,
Victoria La Fauci
Learning Diversity Leader