Year 3/4

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

Welcome back to Term 2. We hope that you have all had a wonderful break and that you took the time to catch up with friends and family. 


What a busy couple of weeks we have already had. We have completed the swimming program for this year, and we are so proud of the students and how well they conducted themselves during this program. It is wonderful to hear from the staff at Knox Leisureworks such positive feedback about our students.


We had a number of students who were practising very hard last term and again this term as they were selected to participate in the District Athletics Carnival on Wednesday this week. We congratulate everyone for their commitment to practising during lunch times and to show such sportsmanship on the day. 


This term, we welcome Mrs Nicole Rheumer to our teaching team, replacing Mrs Hartley in 3/4F on Wednesdays. We all look forward to working with Mrs Rheumer, and we also wish her the best in her Acting Principal role for this term while Mrs Hartley is on leave.


This term we are introducing a new wellbeing program - Friendology by URSTRONG. This program provides strategies to empower students with skills which will create a culture of kindness and healthy, feel-good friendships. More information about Friendology can be found in the whole school newsletter, with links to a Free Parent Membership.


The 3/4 Team 

Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Nicole Rheumer


What We Are Learning



Reading Logs

We have a large number of students who are not bringing their Reading Logs back to school each Friday. It is important that students are reading on a daily basis. Please support your child with a few reminders.



Homework is due alternate Fridays. This term, we ask that you encourage and support your child to complete their homework and to return it by the due date for checking. The tasks have been planned based around the skills that we have taught at school and it is important that students consolidate their learning in order to retain their new knowledge.


Parent Helpers

Last term we sent out an invitation for parent helpers in the classroom. This involves listening to students read and to discuss the book with the student to develop comprehension skills. Thanks to those who have volunteered already. We look forward to having you work with us beginning next week on the day that you are available. If you would like to volunteer, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. All volunteers require a Working With Children Check and information can be obtained from the office.


Try This...


What We Are Learning In Specialist Classes              In Term 2

Visual Arts

This term students will explore sculptures through modelling and construction. They will learn to create an armature before using paper mâché to construct the desired shape.


Students will practise using a hammer and winding threads to make string art, and will explore clay joining techniques to sculpt a rose.


Students must bring an art smock to school to protect their school uniform. 



Year 3/4 students will expand their vocabulary by learning words related to snacks and food in Chinese. Using their interests as a guide, they will construct sentences to describe items they might find in a supermarket. Furthermore, they will learn how to inquire about and discuss prices in Chinese. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in fun activities related to the Dragon Boat Festival. These activities will further enrich their understanding of Chinese culture.



In Term 2, Year 1/2 students will be learning about physical science, in particular looking at heat - how it can be produced in many ways, how it can move from one object to another and how a change in the temperature of an object is related to the gain or loss of heat by the object.


Performing Arts

Students will learn to tune, name strings and form chord shapes on the ukulele. They will understand the concept of a simple chord progression using two and three chords, and work towards changing freely between chord shapes. With these ukulele skills, students will be able to perform a selection of popular music, and attempt song writing with their own lyrical and melodic ideas.


Physical Education

The focus this term is invasion games. Students will further develop their ball skills of kicking, dribbling, passing and shooting whilst exploring Soccer and Basketball. They will participate in modified games to help develop offensive and defensive tactics.


Our School Cross Country will be held on Tuesday 30th April. Students may then be selected to represent our school in the District Cross Country Competition which is on Friday 17th May. In early Term 3, students will also have the opportunity to participate in Hoop Time at the State Basketball Centre.



The swimming program is always a fun couple of weeks. The students have learnt so much and have thoroughly enjoyed their lessons.


Learning About Bruce The Eastern Blue-Tongued Lizard 

Mrs Foenander brought her pet blue-tongued lizard to school for us to learn about. His name is Bruce. Mrs Foenander shared lots of information about what blue-tongued lizards eat, what they look like, where they are found and other interesting fun facts. We had to take notes and we used this information to write an information report about blue-tongued lizards. Mrs Foenander put a snail on the floor to see if Bruce wanted to eat it, but he wasn’t hungry. We loved being able to see and touch a real blue-tongued lizard. Thanks Mrs Foenander!


Maths With 2D Shapes

We learnt how 2D shapes can be combined to create a different 2D shape. We also practised identifying how to split a 2D shape into smaller 2D shapes.


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