Ready, Set, Grow

The "Ready, Set, Grow" initiative has blossomed into an extraordinary journey of learning and growth, thanks to the generous support of the Bendigo Bank Buninyong Branch.
Under the guidance of our dedicated facilitators – Dr. Jones, Maria and Claire our young gardeners have embarked on a weekly adventure, exploring the wonders of gardening while getting their hands dirty and showing great determination. The students were even lucky enough to meet Gardening Australia’s Costa Georgiadis!
Through hands-on activities, the students had a weekly focus which would include topics like teamwork, positive self-talk, helping others and expressing gratitude.
With a blend of determination and care, our students have built new garden beds and transformed old garden beds, yielding an array of crops including corn, cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini, melons, and sunflowers, while also cultivating fragrant basil, thyme, onions, and spring onions.
None of this would be possible without the unwavering support of the Bendigo Bank Buninyong Branch, whose generosity has provided our students with the tools and resources they need to flourish.
We look forward to another successful term at Ready, Set, Grow!