Scotsburn News

Important Dates
Scotsburn Assembly | Thursday 28th March (2pm) |
Last Day of Term 1 (2.30pm finish) | Thursday 28th March |
World Harmony Day - A Taste of Harmony Breakfast Club
Last Thursday as part of World Harmony Day, the Scotsburn campus held “a Taste of Harmony” breakfast club. This once off special breakfast club included some different dishes and tastes from around the world, promoting the theme of Everyone Belongs. It was a wonderful morning with the campus buzzing! Thanks to our helpers on the morning who provided and prepared some yummy dishes.
New Carpet!!!
In some exciting news, our double portable (where SC1 and SC2 are situated) will be receiving new carpet over the holiday period. This has been planned for quite some time, and will be lovely to come back to at the beginning of Term 2.
In preparation for this, we will be moving all furniture and anything on the floor of the classrooms into the shed over the next few days. The classrooms will look quite bare by Thursday!
Scotsburn Assembly - Thursday 28th March
This Thursday we will hold an end of term Scotsburn assembly. This will be a great way to round out the term and celebrate all of our wonderful achievements so far this year. Due to the earlier 2:30pm finish, assembly will take place at 2pm. The shed will be quite full on Thursday with bikes and classroom furniture, so we will hold the assembly in SC1. See you all there!
Bring Your Bike (or scooter) to School Day - Thursday 28th March
On the last day of term (Thursday), Scotsburn will hold their own version of “Ride to School Day”. Given that our location makes it extremely difficult to ride to school, we will hold a Scotsburn “Bring Your Bike to School Day”. This will involve students bringing their bikes (or scooters) into school in the morning, where we will store them in the shed. We will then get them out for some laps around the campus track.
A reminder that being the last day of term, bikes will need to be picked up at the end of the day, otherwise they will be locked in the shed for the holidays. For those that are unable to bring their bike in for the day, we will have an alternate activity planned during the riding session.
Casual Dress Day for Last Day of Term
Don’t forget the kids are also invited to come along in casual dress and to bring along a gold coin donation on Thursday. Proceeds will go to a charity chosen by students at both campuses.
Grade 6 Grand Prix Excursion
Last Friday our Grade 6 girls joined the entire Buninyong Grade 6 cohort for the Formula One Grand Prix excursion. They were treated to glorious weather in Melbourne, where they were able to explore the Innovation Hub, full of interactive STEM experiences. They then had the opportunity to watch the F1 cars driving, which Savannah said were amazingly fast! They all had a brilliant time.
Term 1 Reading Night Award
This Thursday, we will hold our special lunch for all students who reached the 25 nights of reading target for Term 1. We have had a huge response to this incentive with the majority of our students reaching the 25 nights and more. This target was a very achievable target with some students doubling the reading target. It would be wonderful to see all our students reading at home and know that building a love of reading in your child by reading aloud at home strengthens their language, vocabulary, and comprehension skills, and improves their social skills and confidence as you listen to them read.
If your child has reached 25 nights of reading there is no need to send in lunch on Thursday!
District Athletics
Congratulations to Zoe and Amity who both represented Buninyong at the District Athletics Carnival on Monday. Both girls did extremely well, receiving a first and second in events they participated in, also qualifying for the next level. Incredible work girls!
Animal Care
As the holidays fast approach, it is that time of the year where we look for some assistance to look after some of our animals at the campus. Our 3 chickens are very low maintenance at the moment, however will need a little check in every couple of days for food and water. If you are available to help with this, please contact Jarrod over the next few days.
Pip the Bluetongue Lizard would also love a home over the holidays. If you think that you would be able to home her for two weeks and can transport her large cage, please also see Jarrod. She is extremely friendly and low maintenance!
SC1 Learning Snapshot
Where has Term 1 gone? It has been amazing to reflect on the term this week and how much growth each student has made both academically and socially. We have finished off the term in Writing with our procedure writing. As you can see from the photos, students wrote a procedure on ‘how to decorate a biscuit’. They loved making the biscuit and were able to transform the process of decorating their biscuit into a wonderful writing procedure with both verbs and adverbs. We will send these home so you can celebrate your child’s hard work with them.
In Maths, we have finished the term with a strong focus on addition. Students have been using their knowledge of place value and turning it into wonderful connections and strategies for adding numbers and collections. All students should be very proud of their efforts. In our ‘review,’ students have been working hard on writing numbers and number patterns. We have some awesome mathematicians in SC1!
A huge thank you to everyone for your effort this term in home reading. From memory, it would be the most consistent term for students reading at home and filling out their diaries. The support you have given your child at home has certainly reflected in their confidence, reading ability, and growth this term. Thank you all immensely!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and break over the next two weeks. Enjoy the holidays and we look forward to seeing everyone in Term 2.
Ana and Kirsty
SC2 Learning Snapshot
Somehow we are already at the end of Term 1. It seems like just yesterday that we were setting up our new SC2 classroom, ready for a big year ahead. So much has been achieved in SC2 in such a short space of time, and all students in class should be very proud of their achievements.
This week provides us with a chance to bring together all of our work related to the theme of “Survival of the Fittest”, including our amazing dioramas that have come in thick and fast! Our narrative stories are also being published this week, ready to turn into hard copy books.
As part of our Respectful Relationships program, last Thursday SC2 completed a task with a focus on growth mindset and feedback. We watched a video called “Austin’s Butterfly”, which documented the process of a child improving his drawing of a butterfly through 6 different attempts after receiving specific feedback. SC2 students had a go at this process, drawing a picture of the book character Dogman, then receiving feedback and improving. In SC2, we are continually working on our ability to be resilient learners who always have a growth mindset. This was a great activity to practise this.
Last week we also made some cards to show our appreciation to Woolworths Delacombe, who provide our campus with weekly fruit. We appreciate this so much, and this is a way that we can demonstrate gratitude to those that help us out.
Have a wonderful and safe holiday break everyone!
Jarrod and Liz
Specialist News
We have had a busy and productive term in Specialist classes! SC2 have been working hard on their galaxy painting techniques, which we will be adding self portraits as astronauts to early next term. SC2 students have also designed and then created their own aprons to wear for art classes, using their own choices of textile embellishment techniques.
In Japanese, SC2 students have been learning polite vocabulary to ask about and order items in a sushi shop. We will continue this role play focus next term as we explore the use of Yen, Japan’s currency. This unit will allow us to study large numbers from 100- 10,000.
SC1 have also enjoyed dressing up and role playing in Japanese. Through reading a weekly big book about animals ordering juice in a juice bar, they have been learning to discuss their likes and dislikes, as well as give and receive items. Our book is written in the Japanese Hiragana script, so this is a new level of exposure for most SC1 students.
During Art classes, SC1 have been exploring ways to depict water in our artworks. We are all looking forward to melting some glass in the kiln for our penguin sculptures and are also keen to complete our Iris Scott inspired shaking dog finger paintings!
Scotsburn Intercampus Travel
At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.
We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements.
If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher. |
Staff Contacts
Mr Morgan:
Mrs Anderson:
Mrs Robinson:
Mrs Morgan:
Ms Middlin:
The Scotsburn Team