School Council Report

School council met for the second time this year during March and discussed various items and issues, including the following:

  • The new lunch eating timetable was discussed and the leadership team acknowledges the concerns expressed from some parents. School council was advised that the situation is being monitored and that staff are now encouraging students to get their food a few minutes early before breaks to take out to the yard.
  • The Cuppa with Duncan forum in Week 7 was productive and provided an opportunity for around 15 parents (both existing and new) to ask questions in an informal setting. Further sessions will be scheduled during the year if parents remain responsive.
  • Some minor works will be undertaken at the school over the holidays including replacing the sleeper walls around the playgrounds.
  • School council discussed the possibility of using state government funding to obtain further student wellbeing support which would be in a similar capacity to the existing school counsellor and psychologist.
  • The school leadership team has prepared the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) which includes the key goals and improvement strategies that the school will focus on in 2024. The main goals this year relate to maximising student growth in literacy. There are also student wellbeing goals and this year’s focus is about student agency and student voice. Evidence based research informs the strategies that are identified to achieve the goals.
  • The Annual Report has now been endorsed by school council which provides an overview of the school’s performance during 2023 compared to “similar schools” and state schools. It also includes the financial position as at the end of 2023. The school leadership team is proud of what was achieved during 2023 and school council encourages all parents to download and review a copy from the school website when it becomes available.