Principal News

Happy Holidays

As we have reached the end of Term 1, it's time to reflect on the wonderful achievements and experiences we've had together as a school community. With celebrations and a focus on both learning and fun, this term has been filled with memorable events that have enriched the lives of our students.


As we reflect on the broad range of learning experiences and accomplishments of this term, I extend a heartfelt thank you to our dedicated staff, supportive families, and amazing students, for making this term such a resounding success.


Term 1 highlights include:

  • Year 5/6 Interschool Sport
  • Year 6 Student Leaders and JSC Badge Presentations
  • Year 4-6 House Swimming Carnival
  • Getting to Know You Interviews
  • CEPS Community Picnic
  • Whole School Maths Incursion
  • Year 1 Clean up at Le Page Park
  • Year 4 Rail Safety Incursion
  • Year 4 African Drumming Incursion
  • Year 5 Science Incursion
  • Friday afternoon open classrooms
  • Foundation Superheroes Incursion
  • Year 1 Community Helper Dress-up Day
  • Year NGV Excursion
  • Harmony Day
  • Special Food Days

As we bid farewell to Term 1 and look forward to a well-deserved school holiday break, let's celebrate our achievements and experiences. May everyone have a safe and restful holiday, returning refreshed and ready for more learning adventures in Term 2.

Term 1 Working Bee 

I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the families who joined us for our recent Working Bee on Saturday, March 23rd. Your enthusiastic participation and hard work made the day a remarkable success!


Thanks to your dedication and support, we were able to tackle numerous maintenance tasks around our school grounds, ensuring a safer and tidier environment for all. From weeding and drain cleaning to leaf blowing, mulch wheelbarrowing, raking, pruning, and line marking, each task was essential in maintaining the upkeep of our school.

Your efforts not only contributed to the physical improvement of our school but also fostered a sense of community spirit and teamwork among us all. It was warming to see parents, carers, and students working side by side, in the best interest of our buildings and grounds.


The success of our Working Bee is an indication of the strength of our school community and the collective commitment we share towards creating a positive learning environment for our students. By coming together and investing our time and energy, we demonstrate the value we place on our school and everyone within it.


We look forward to more opportunities to come together as a community and continue making our school a place we can all take pride in.


Thank you to the following families and staff members. I apologise in advance if I have missed anyone.



SeufertNelsonBerkelbach Van De Sprenkel

Mrs Ward





Parents Committee Thank you

I would like to extend our gratitude to the Parents Committee for their outstanding efforts in organising the recent special events. Your dedication and hard work truly made them memorable and successful.


The special food day featuring hot dogs and sushi was hugely popular and delicious. The hot cross bun fundraiser not only satisfied cravings but also raised much-needed funds for our school's initiatives. Additionally, the Easter raffle brought joy and excitement to all participants. Thank you also to every family that donated items to ensure we have amazing prizes. The smiles on the faces of the winners were a testament to the effort and thoughtfulness you put into making the raffle a success.


Your continued dedication to enhancing the school experience for our students and families does not go unnoticed. Your willingness to volunteer your time and talents is greatly appreciated and makes a significant difference in the lives of everyone in our community.


Congratulations to all Year 3 and 5 students on their successful completion of NAPLAN 2024! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and you should be proud of your achievements. A big thank you goes out to the teachers for their thoughtful preparation and unwavering support throughout the NAPLAN process. Your guidance has undoubtedly played a crucial role in the students' success. Keep up the excellent work, everyone!












Robert Ridgway