

I love to garden. My mum is a green thumb and can make anything grow, as could her father, my grandpa. I have spent time over the years asking for advice and tending to a garden to see what I could grow, with some success! 


The extreme heat over the last week has certainly presented its challenges in looking after a garden, as has the lack of rain. 


Whether we are green thumbs or not, another garden we should remember to tend is the garden of our hearts. 


In Proverbs 4:23 it says ‘Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flows the springs of life’.


God often uses the world he created to teach us how to follow him. In this case, the principles of tending a garden offer a vivid picture of tending to our hearts. 


Seasoned gardeners know they need to prepare the soil, plant good seed, nourish their garden and pull unwanted weeds. 


This too applies to our hearts. We need to tend the soil so that it remains soft and nutrient rich. Practising gratitude and trusting God can help us with this. Planting the right seeds in order to grow the fruits of the spirit can help us to flourish. Nourishing our hearts with prayer, worship and God’s word is also important as is pulling any weeds of negative thoughts or actions. 


The beauty of a well tended garden is captivating and brings joy to others and glory to the gardener. The beauty of a well tended heart is equally captivating, bringing joy to others and glory to God, our master gardener. 


Submitted by Nicole Tew