Parents in Community

Thank you to outgoing Executive Members

We would love to update you about changes to the PiC executive following our 2024 AGM.At our recent AGM, we had some executive members step down from key positions after years of service. 


Our chairperson, Rachael Hemelaar, and Secretary, Angela Parsons, have both stepped out of these roles but we are grateful that they have kindly accepted to stay part of the executive committee. We are so appreciative of Rachael and Angela’s willingness to serve our school community in this capacity, and all their many volunteered hours of work and commitment to building our school community has not gone unnoticed. (Please see Rachael’s Chairperson’s Report at the end of this communication.) 


A big thank you, also, to Kate Gill who has stepped down from the executive committee. Kate has been involved in PiC for a long time, and her wisdom is truly valued. At the AGM we also farewelled Margaret Dingemanse as our long-standing representative from the LCS Board, and we are so thankful for the many years she has supported the committee in this role, as she was present and involved in so many ways.


We now welcome Danielle as our new chair and are so thankful for her willingness to take on this role. Praise God for enabling these willing servants to serve our school.

2024-2025 PiC Executive

Chairperson: Danielle Hesketh

Vice Chairperson: Jamin Gillman

Treasurer: Mary-Anne Klimeck

Secretary: VACANT

Executive Members: Rachael Hemelaar and Angela Parsons

Board Rep: Kristy Lade

School Principal: Stuart Kent

Staff Rep: Eliza Lovelock 

School Liaison: Bek Peters

LCS PiC Chairperson Report 2024

After all the restrictions and setbacks that the COVID pandemic brought, it feels like we have finally come to the point of freedom where we can make progress once again in creating connections between the families here at LCS. While the world has changed, and sometimes it seems that the value that is placed on volunteerism has diminished, I am encouraged to still see dedicated members within our school community putting up their hand to holdfast against this trend and receive the benefits and blessings that working alongside one another brings.


This year, we have seen the biggest intake of new families into LCS that this school has ever known. Families that are looking for a different form of education for their children, and with this comes a new depth of diversity and fresh opportunities to show God’s love and shine His light. Iam so thankful for the members of the PiC who show up to meetings, participate in helping to put on events and share ideas on how we can support and encourage the wonderful community that we have here at LCS.


We have been able to continue to support school events such as Grandparents and Special Friends Day, My Cultural Heritage Day, the opening of 464 and, just recently, the Breakfast Club. We held our very first LCS Fun Run at the end of 2023 and heralded in the start of this school year with our second successful grEATing event. The community was blessed through the Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls and grade groups have been able to meet and get to know one another through PiC Grade Rep organised catch ups. And while there are always things to tweak and more that could be done, Iam thankful for the opportunities that we have to facilitate connections within the community here at LCS.


I want to thank the board, leadership and staff at LCS for their continual support of the PiC. Thanks to Stuart for regularly taking the time to meet with me to discuss PiC matters. Thanks go to Margaret, a long-time faithful member of the PiC, who is stepping out of her role as a PiC Board Representative to focus on her position as Board Chair. Your passion for the PiC has been evident and your efforts and vision in creating the Mother’s and Father’s day stalls as well as the grEATing event will continue to have a lasting legacy to the community here at LCS. Thanks also go to Jamin, Mary-Anne, Kate, Danielle, Kristy, Eliza and Bek for doing such amazing jobs at your respective roles on the PiC executive, your efforts are so appreciated.


I have left out one particular person …. Angela. Ange, you have gone above and beyond as Secretary for the PiC over the years. You have performed your role with competency, diligence and humility. Not many understand the sacrifice of time and effort that you have put in, but you really have been the backbone of the PiC. You have created agendas to keep the Chair on track, minuted the meetings with clarity and detail and attended to correspondence in a timely manner. For me, these last couple of years as Chair of the PiC have not always been easy, as it has been a season of learning, stretching and growth, but Iam so thankful to have had you by my side supporting me through it.


Lastly, I am thankful to God. Thankful to Him for this school and all that it stands for. Thankful that the gospel of Christ gets taught in this place. Thankful for teachers and staff who love God and educate our kids from a Godly perspective. Thankful for parents who choose to send their children here.


It is my prayer that the PiC will continue to go from strength to strength, engaging with, loving and supporting the community here at LCS and enjoying each other’s company in the process.


Thanks, and God bless you,



If you are available on Saturday morning on the 31st of August, Parents in Community would love your help moving from our old shed to the new one! 

Email to volunteer! 

Wanted: PiC Secretary 

Do you have strong secretarial skills that you would love to bless our school community with?

Have you ever thought about coming along to our Parents in Community monthly meetings?

If you answered 'yes' to both those questions, please consider volunteering as the Secretary of our Parents in Community committee.

For more information, please contact

You're Invited! 

We warmly invite you to attend Parents in Community meetings this year. Meetings are held every month in the LCS staff room. If you are a parent of LCS, you are a member of Parents in Community! Our next meeting is on Tuesday the 27th of August at 7.30pm. 

2024 Meetings

Aug 27 - 7:30pm

Sept 24 - afternoon pick up 2:00pm

Oct 29 - 7:30pm

Nov 26 - social TBA

About PiC

Our Parents in Community Association (PiC) is a team of dedicated people whose aim is to build a strong sense of community within the school and provide support to school community families in need.


PiC also raises funds for projects in the school that the school budget doesn't normally cover and some examples of this are the Eden Project (above), Kinder playground, Middle school courtyard and seating in the Performing Arts Centre, and game space GAGA pit.


Meetings are held once a month at the school on Tuesday at 7.30pm in the staffroom and parents are most welcome to attend.


For more information, please contact PiC via email:



BBQ Trailer for Hire

Did you know that LCS owns a large BBQ trailer that is available for hire outside of the school?  The trailer is a 3 x 6 burner and to hire, just download our Application for Hire Form below.  


Completed forms can be dropped off or emailed to our office.  For further information, please contact our office,